Check out the latest installment of ROpocalypse Now, where you can hear Rufus Opus and I talk about: Sex Magic Crossing The Abyss The Nature of True Will Ditching the Day Job The Role of Prior Incarnations. The Relationship between Spiritual Ascension and Practical Magic Stuff. BONUS!: You get to see me look like an utter […]
Continue readingEver since my first book I have argued that curses and other types of malific magic happen. People that deny they happen are not paying attention or are simply insulated from people that use magic to get things done. I know it happens because people try to hire me to do it on a weekly […]
Continue readingA Student wrote a question on the Strategic Sorcery Group this weekend that I think bears answering to a wider audience: Question: how do you continue your practice when you can’t house any altars or any physical support gear nor burn candles and incense for offerings and workings? I had to break down and hide […]
Continue reading“Remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” -Epicurus Today is Thanksgiving here in America. Though I hate that Christmas season starts so early In a way I am glad, because it doesnt allow any room for massive consumerist nonsense to arise around Thanksgiving. Songs, specials, and decorations […]
Continue readingBy now most of my readers will have heard about the arrest of E.A. Koetting. I had decided yesterday to not comment on it. Beyond finding the people getting their joy out of his suffering to be reprehensible, I really have no opinion one way or the other. Because I was interviewed by him and let […]
Continue readingI will be a guest on Lessons in Joyful Living this afternoon. Tune in to this interview today 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific. You can log into Live Chat — or call in — 866-404-6519 to ask questions.…/lessonsinjoyfulliving/articles/6858
Continue readingI am doing a preliminary outline of a possible workbook of Stoic exercises and meditations. In the course of doing so I was reminded of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras, which some believe influenced Stoicism. Possibly as old as 3BC ,I thought I might share it here. Despite its frequent connection to the Neoplatonists who […]
Continue readingI have known Vajranatha (John Reynolds) for 23 years and consider him to be my most important teacher both in Tantra and Magic in general. Everything I know about Tibetan Magic and Tantra I learned through him, even stuff I learned from other lamas took on new life when going over the material with his […]
Continue readingThere are few in the field today that have both technical expertise and a genuine love of the spirits. A man who is as on-fire with the Holy Spirit as a tent-revival preacher, but who can make complex evocation instruction as clear as your ABC’s. Rufus Opus is that kind of Priest-Magician. For years he […]
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