In his Open Letter to Bri Saussy, Aidan Watcher declares himself a “hard-core, traditional Eclectic from the Old Line. The Old Line being ‘from before ‘eclectic’ was a slur!”. I can relate. I myself draw upon several paths in my teaching and practice and felt a resonance with his description. Eclectic is a word that I used to […]
Continue readingThe First Harvest has arrived, which means it is time again to begin another cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course. CYCLE 18 WILL BEGIN ON AUGUST 1st 2014 The course consists of 52 lessons arriving by e-mail every Tuesday morning for a year. In addition to this there is a student’s forum, and access to […]
Continue readingA week ago I wrote about the downside of being an entrepreneur. A lot of people, especially other entrepreneurs got it, but some people seemed to think I was suddenly now trying to steer people away from it, or that I was yielding to, and spreading fear by talking about such things. Of course I was […]
Continue readingToday is of course July 4th, Independence Day here in the U.S.A.. But here in Vermont there is also some attention payed to the birthday of one of its native sons, Calvin Coolidge. Not my favorite president, or even a very great president by any measure, he did produce a quote that I live by. […]
Continue readingI am on vacation this week, taking time to settle in with the family here in Vermont for the summer. I am wearing one of the Copper Venus Talismans that I am getting ready to charge. These are specifically for Magical Minded Entrepreneurs. NOTE: I have not charged them yet, not even mine. That said, […]
Continue readingAs most of you know I have been doing phone and skype consultations now for several months and it has been a very fulfilling way to connect with people individually and give personalized teachings. I like doing it so much that I decided to figure out how to do it at a deeper level. A month and […]
Continue readingSo many books hold being your own boss or running your own business out as the holy grail that I sometimes think it can be misleading. Because I have stressed the role that side incomes can play in scalable financial magic, and because I now work for myself, I worry about over-idealizing the entrepreneur as […]
Continue readingThe Wandering Fool has constructed an amazing Jupiter Altar that uses the Strategic Sorcery Jupiter Symbol and all 16 Lightning Glyphs. He is incorporating the work he does on it with the 49 calls from Advanced Planetary Magic. Awesome work. Check out his blog for more details.
Continue readingI just wanted to post a thank you to everyone that joined the course last week, Cycle 17 is now the largest cycle I have ever done! Thanks also to everyone that has joined the course in the past. Also to all my apprentices, clients, and readers. You enable me to live a truly awesome life […]
Continue readingI just got off the phone with an apprentice and he gave me a great compliment about the Strategic Sorcery Course: “I probably have 1000 occult books and your course has prepared me for a career in magic better than all of them combined. Not only that, but I now understand how to actually use all those […]
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