Click Here To Become A Wizard

I am seeing more and more occult entrepreneurs offering their teachings and their wares. This is a good thing in my opinion. It gives access to hopefully good teachings without all the politics, shady theologies, and obligatory ass-kissing that has come with Magical Orders and training Covens in the past and also undercuts the potential for abuse inherent in guru disciple relations.

Its good for the student because they get what they are looking for directly and its good for the teacher who gets fairly compensated with money for their time/knowledge/effort.  But one thing need to be clear: teachers can offer teachings, pass along initiations, and even be a catalyst that boosts a students efforts; but the work must still be done.

You can’t Click Here To Become A Wizard. It doesn’t work that way.

I have met people that have bought titles and taken high initiations, but who know almost nothing about how to operate the system that they are supposed to be High Priests or Arch Magus in. You may be able to buy a title, but you cannot buy the actual power and knowledge that produces results in magic. Shit takes work and lot’s of it. That’s why no matter what initiations I take or titles I have (and I have some) I just call myself a Sorcerer.

If you want to learn Sorcery from me now is a great time to join Strategic Sorcery because you will be invited to participate in a Global Mercury Rite along with hundreds of others around the globe on Mayday. We can’t do the work for you, but the Rite will give you a serious boost and the lessons will give you the structure and information to apply yourself to practical sorcery. You will also gain access to the most focus group of practitioners I have ever worked with.

You Can Click Here, for more information, but what you actually DO with it will be up to you.

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