Controversy, Critics, and Haters – Questions Answered Part 3

More questions answered:

Any opinion on “Scarletgate?” As a guy that wrote a book on Sex Magic I thought you would have had more to say…

 Yes. It should have been called Scarletghazi. The ‘gate’ suffix is so 20th century.

 How is Financial Sorcery any different than Prosperity Gospel? You and other teachers of money magic are just Creflo Dollar with spellbooks instead of the Bible. 

Well, I can’t speak for anyone else you might be thinking of, but my teachings are the polar opposite of the Prosperity Gospel. The prosperity Gospel teaches that God awards you money for faith. I have seen similar teachings stating that spirits do it or gods or whatever. Financial Sorcery says that you make money by the ordinary ways of making money: business, jobs, good products etc. and that Sorcery can help you do these things.

I teach nothing about spells producing money by themselves, and in fact Financial Sorcery is my worst selling book precisely because it demands people take money seriously as part of their lives. not just cast spells for cash or pin hopes on winning the lottery.

Financial Sorcery doesn’t even acknowledge an idea that there is any force, be it Karma or God, that determines what you should get. It is purely mechanics. if you want financial success then work for it and use magic as part of that strategy.

Here’s a Question for you: how dare you charge money for teaching magic? The sacred art is not to be turned out for quick cash.

I have been in magical orders where I paid dues and gave donations and learned a bit, but not as much as I had hoped. I have been involved with spiritual communities that work by donation only, but it always seems like those who donate more get special access and that there is often a hidden, or sometimes obvious, drive for more and more and more donations – again with no guarantee of learning anything at all.

I find straightforward business to be the most honest and best way of disseminating teachings. This is the list of topics and how I am doing it: this is the cost. There are no hidden costs. No further donations. No manipulation or pressure.

Whether its teaching magic or running a hardware store, in business money should be the second thing you are concerned over. The first is quality of product or in my case teaching. But money should immediately follow that. If it doesn’t the business collapses. This is true for Churches, Monestaries, and Magical Orders as well as businesses. To pretend that money doesn’t matter or factor into it, is what I find to be problematic.

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Better to tell people that you are charging for your TIME. They get that since so many of them already get paid for their time wherever they work. The value of a person’s time is in direct proportion to 1) their level of knowledge/skill, 2) the value of said knowledge, and 3) availability of similarly qualified people (supply/demand scenario). So with just a HS diploma and no other skills, you are in competition with just about everyone, but with a doctorate level degree, you are in competition with a far, far smaller group. People complain about what they are charged for a 15 minute doctor visit, but they don’t take into account that the physician has spent well over a decade learning to diagnose in 15 minutes.

I find it wildly ironic that there are people who want to be obtain more money for themselves yet they try to prevent others from doing the same. They clearly have a conflicted relationship to money. I rather pay someone to get the information quickly, than to waste time stumbling in the dark trying to figure out what others already have. It’s called being efficient.


    I reject the “charging for time” argument. That is not the only factor when deciding the cost of something and leaves you open to critique of how much you charge for time.

    The area that I most directly charge for my time are my consultations. I get $150 an hour, but will do 90 minutes for $200. Someone who makes 20 bucks an hour will look at that say “what the fuck?” if they look at everything in an hourly wage.

Sara Mastros

First off, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with charging money for Work, particularly outside of your immediate community (however you define that). However, if you’re looking for a work-around, here is the one the rabbis (who are explicitly forbidden from making a living by rabbi-ing, but do anyway) use: What you are actually paying for is to reimburse the person for the career they aren’t pursuing, because they are instead serving the community.


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