Field Report Friday – From Homeless to Dream Business

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This Friday Field Report is long, but worth it. There are a lot of great examples of Strategic Sorcery principles: Shifting of set point again and again, magic can working through other people, building relationships with gods and spirits rather than one-shot-deals, the role of constructive community critique and input. Go give it a read and visit Dimiti’s Website for some Qigong goodness

Field Report: From Homeless to Running My Dream Business.

I was making plans to support the local homeless community with a desperately needed self-healing practice by donating my time to share the art of Qigong. At the time I had a thought: I resided in that homeless shelter a few years ago. Not so nice times and it wouldn’t do any good by going into detail. Instead of coming up with a long list of what went wrong and who or what was to blame, I will share how I used Strategic Sorcery to help me take responsibility of my life and get me out of that mess.

Had it not been for Jason accepting me on a payment plan for the Strategic Sorcery Course and the awesome discussions on the Strategic Sorcery Facebook group, I would probably have still been in that homeless shelter to this very day so I want to give back to the Strategic Sorcery community by sharing how I got out of that situation.

Living in a Homess Shelter

I was living in a homeless shelter when I began my Strategic Sorcery journey, which was a few days before a Global Juno Rite. I did lots and lots of uncrossing baths (thank you Dave Nevar for the reminders of spiritual baths, they are lifesavers) and weekly Juno Rites ever since after the main global one (everyday in the month of June).  Meditation helped a lot to cope with the situation. One moment I was training as a social worker specializing in child protection and helping many families then the next moment I was in a bad situation myself. As soon as I performed the Global Juno rite I felt a mountain of confidence and was told that change was just around the corner but I had no measurable results to show.

Nothing tangible happened for a while, I kept on deepening my relationship with Juno and divination was showing changes coming in the near future that I absolutely couldn’t comprehend.

Then Juno found me my future to be partner (confirmed via divination and direct communication). I was getting ready for a date and at the time I found my financial situation down right embarrassing. I couldn’t stand the appearance of my old clothes and ripped shoes and wondered why I had ended up in a relationship (love her to bits but at the time I was insecure about my appearance) instead of seeing results in the form of cash after performing the Juno rite.

Fast forward a little while… my partner had a sudden windfall of money (keeping details private to respect partners wishes). So we ended up with enough savings to have to never work again (didn’t imagine that at 28), provided we stuck to a budget and didn’t live what we would consider an over luxurious life.

Juno is of course a goddess of marriage. At the time I couldn’t understand the messages of great change around the corner. I was expecting a windfall of cash but instead I received abundance in the form of the perfect partner, family life which led to the exact windfall asked in the petition of the original global Juno rite and then the dream home.

Other than simple baths and floor washes for uncrossing the sorcery here was simply interacting with Juno within the rite and following up with the given advice. I didn’t have the money for any special materia nor did I feel drawn to any specific one off emergency spells.

Next Step

I didn’t want to just survive on an average income, I wanted to thrive so I moved my set point. I had breathing space to actually focus on a business plan that makes money while driving passion and helping others.

The Idea: To run a full time Qigong Healing Hospital Style Clinic as well as to share other inherited treasured Taoist arts and Taoist sorcery.

During the 20th century a Master named Hu Yaozhen helped coin up the term “Qigong” and “Medical/Clinical Qigong” to sum up these old practices, and then opened the very first Clinical Qigong Healing Hospital in Beijing, China. Master Hu earned the title “Father of Modern day Qigong” and before the Communist Revolution of 1949, Hu Yaozhen was the only Chinese Medicine and Qigong doctor allowed into western style hospitals in Beijing to treat foreigners. Three generations later I inherited Master Hu’s teachings and this leads to the business plan. To continue Master Hu’s legacy and keep up the high standards that were found at the very first Qigong Healing Hospital and make them accessible, I planned to open a Qi Clinic which must work as a viable business if it is to touch the lives of many.

The Sorcery: Numerous tactics were worked into my Strategic Sorcery:

  • Ritually appoint Guan Yin/Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva as the main macro-enchantment of the business on the terms that it will be a vessel to relieve suffering for sentient beings in this world. And in order to reach many beings, it must follow this worlds laws of business and be financially successful.
  • Supported by Juno, Jupiter, Hekate, Helios and numerous Buddhist & Taoist deities and Lineage Masters of the practices through regular rites.
  • A lodestone spell (fed daily) surrounded by a High John the Conqueror Root, Pyrite and Devils Shoestring with petition (written petition, hair as a link, dressed £20, business card, website print out and Jupiter Lightening Glyphs) underneath. All watched over by one of Jason’s Black Gator Financial Hands.
  • Regular baths and floor washes.
  • Daily offerings: I was lazy with daily offerings until I came across “A daily offering to the spirits for financial wellness” in Jason’s book Financial Sorcery. I took that format and added spirits I currently worked with such as the Earth gods of the Taoist tradition. Never missed a day since.
  • On me everyday I carry a High John the Conqueror Root, Kurukulla amulet blessed by Chatral Rinpoche, Juno Talisman and Taoist Talisman of the Martial Wealth God. Kurukulla started to come to me in my dreams and I found myself “sleep chanting/muttering” her mantra. I then deepened the relationship via Jason’s Jail-broken Kurukulla Transmission.

This may seem like a lot in writing but it’s something that naturally spilled into my daily life.

The Result: I now run a successful full time Qi Clinic and have helped and taught people from all over the world via live workshops & Skype.

I thought it would be an overcrowded market and not being able to compete with big names but turns out people will seek you out if what you offer is unique.  Most importantly, I’m loving life!

What next?:

4-6 years ago I was homeless, then my life completely changed when I worked hard to apply Strategic Sorcery into my daily life. The next step is to hit a six figure income with my Qi Clinic. It’s a crazy plan but doing the maths, it’s in the realm of possibility

Time to move that set point again! Goal is to work towards £10,000 per month (using the strategy of breaking it down to each month as taught in Jason’s book, the elements of spellcrafting).

If sorcery can get me this far, then I’m going in with a carefully planned strategy (with an abort plan available every step of the way). I look forward to see how the business expands over the next 3-6 years.

The last thing I’d like to share that I’m currently working on is the importance of money management. This passage from Financial Sorcery has helped me manage long term wealth. “Unlike some other issues that you may tackle occasionally with sorcery, such as finding a lover or dealing with a court case, you will be dealing with financial issues until the day you die. Even if you manage to strike it filthy rich, you will need to manage your money wisely. Because of this, many sorcerers find it useful to erect permanent wealth altars”.

Dimitri –


Notice the way that Dimitri approaches his dilemma on multiple fronts: spirits, offerings, folk magic, talismans, etc. He also doesn’t try to do it all himself: he takes advice from me, Dave Nevar, and others in the community – weaving a workable practice.  Note also how he used Sorcery that did not require a lot of materia when he was homeless, but once he had permenant space and funds, he started with floor washes, baths, altars, etc – shifting strategy to use what he gained.

Most importantly when his Crisis of homelessness ended, he did not rest on his laurels. He shifted his set point and asked himself “What is the next mountain to climb?”. Now that he has accomplished that, he is asking it again and is shifting his set point – that mental place that determines what is “normal”. His new normal is set at £10,000 per month, which is a great start! I am quite sure he will reach that with no problem.

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