FIELD REPORT FRIDAY: Soviet Mercedes Dominates Her Finances

In my book Financial Sorcery I make the case that finances are too important to be ignored by anyone. If you are not going to reject materialism entirely by becoming a monk, nun, wandering yogi, or at least living off-grid than you only have two choices on how to deal with money: Dominate it, or let it Dominate you. Soviet Mercedes is a professional Dominatrix, so her choice was obvious. In this report she describes how Sorcery and Strategic planning helped her whip her finances into shape. Pardon the Pun.

Soviet Mercedes writes:

First, Let Me Paint A Picture of the Backstory:

On a practical level I am rebranding and converting my “real-life” business into an online one, my partner is dealing with a huge lawsuit with his (former) employer, there is lots of debt due to wrong choices and wrong priorities, while drowning in bad habits just to numb and not to deal with the drama, reality and pain.

In my business conversion I honestly have no idea what I am doing, which makes me try a “little-bit-of-everything” but not in the furthest enough to even call a “base”.

On a spiritual level  I am dabbling the max out of life. Reading a bit about Chaos here, learning a bit about Thelema there, bumping unto Demonology here…etc….etc…etc

Reaching a point where I am beyond and fed up, stressed out and angry at the world to the max since nothing seems to work or take off.
It made me wonder what I did wrong (hello Christianity complex!) and how it was possible that *I* got into this shit, while I have always been quite successful on financial level in the past.
And I mean successful. Hello reality!

Remembering one bright sunny afternoon where I am hitting some mental rock bottom and literally cursing out loud, screaming that the spirits better start effin showing me some direction or guidance, or else I am done. This did not mean I was suicidal or anything, but I would most likely leave everything behind and move to another country, being the former runner that I was.

Strategic Sorcery Enters the Picture

Somehow however my cursing has been answered: introduce Jason Miller’s Sorcerers Secret. A friend mentioning his name in a random conversation, resulting in me ordering the book. This book that was different than others; meaning it was written on a level like someone was sitting and talking next to me while handing out the occasional metaphorical reality slaps. Flooding my best-friends phone with quotes like “HOLY SHIT DID YOU READ WHAT MILLER SAYS ON PAGE XYZ”, “AND WHAT ABOUT THE NEXT ONE, OMG MY BRAIN IS GOING TO IMPLODE”.

It was the perfect storm that came to knock me upside down at the exact right moment: speaking to me in a language I understand and resonates, pushing me onto a clear direction and giving me the (harsh) truth by forcing me to ask the right questions.

From Sorceress Secrets I went off to Financial Sorcery and Protection and Banishing. Slowly everything started to come together.
Realizing I was sharing my business and stories with everyone who wanted to know, I learned quickly to NOT do that.

All this would take was some simple experiments.
Plan on doing A – telling someone else about it
Plan on doing B – not telling anyone

(later I also learned this has to do a lot with the dopamine being made in your brain that gives you a false sense of completion, when you tell someone else about your plans, as well as some belief on my parts, where I think people often don’t want you to succeed cause it enhances their own shortcomings and lack of action/work)

Combined with several days of cleansing, banishing and protection I started to feel a lot cleaner. Sleep was coming back, my urge to plan ahead on personal and business life, take proper care of myself, it all began returning. To talk money: at this moment I am struggling by making a sad 900$ a month. Nothing even close to get by, but those were the numbers.

With the books along my side, hundred of notes around me, I started to follow instructions from Millers Books one by one.

  • Was my life magical enough? (are there enough ways to obtain the money we ask for)
  • What am I asking for in general? (Numbers, clients, time, etc.)
  • Where do I want my business to go? (Expansion, road to get there)
  • Most importantly, where is my business currently?

I am embarrassed to not remember what the exact phrase or book was from Miller, but it basically was one where he said; YOU Have to start doing, less thinking and fantasizing.

A phrase I have often preached myself in my successful times, and one I find myself explaining again in these moments where life is much better.

Fast Forward:

I took a clear inventory of my current products and made a list of what I needed to change, add and do in order to get to the goal – the mundane work

I started following some of Millers work and spells in order to enchant the above – the magical practice.

To talk numbers:

  • Within a month I made 2.000$
  • The month after 3.500$
  • The month after 3.900$
  • The month after that 6.300$

And from there I am still rising, as well as expanding. There are weeks and months that I do not put all the work in, and I see it in my numbers. These times are ok. Life feels more like an ocean to me right now, times of hard work and times of calm work.

Current State of Affairs

Currently I am in Sorcery of Hecate, and I am loving the daily dedication that goes into the practice as well as loving Millers mindset, mind state and the way he share his knowledge.

His book The Elements of Spellcrafting I had to order twice, due to the first one falling apart from all the notes, post-its and stickers that I used to Put.In.The.Work.

My goals will remain hidden for now, but I may write about them again when they are reached. Having expanded my magical practice as well as my mundane knowledge I am currently creating more passive income as well as ever-expanding. Sharing my *mundane* knowledge with those who want to know and ready to put in the work. For now, I lack the words to describe the immense gratitude I feel for the Millers books, teachings and the friends that mentioned him in the times where I needed this the most.

Living in a society where we want instant gratification, we self -sabotage the max out of ourselves and we have created a generation that will spend 1.000$ dollar on the “This is THE-ONE-AND-ONLY-secret to become an overnight millionaire”- we need more writers and teachers like Miller. The ones that do not sugar coat, do not care if you like the truth, but WILL hand you all the tools to reach what you want to reach.
It is up to us to accept those tools, and put them to use.

With that being said, I wish y’all an amazing day, put in the work and see you at the top! (whatever this top may be for you).




Notes From Jason: I am blushing from the high praise, but putting that aside what we have here is a testimony about HER work and marriage of Strategy with Sorcery. It begins by reaching a classical breaking point: Virupa threw his mala in the toilet before Vajrayogini made an appearance. Chad Fowler had is now famous “Harajuku moment”. Soviet Mercedes had a “start working or I am done” moment. All of these are rock-bottom moments that make you FINALLY break old patterns and do something different to achieve a different result.

She then moves on to methodically lay out a plan that COULD work without magic, followed by sorcery to make sure that it DOES work.

Also not that she does not detail one spell or operation: this is because it was not just one thing. Regular obstacle clearing to clear the way for the plan. Regular offerings to get the spirits to conspire with you out ally-ship.  Small spells to micro-enchant things here and there. This is how long term LARGE plans are enacted with Strategic Sorcery. VERY well done.

Final note: I normally include links of people with businesses that give reports, but in this case she requests that you google her yourself if you are interested in her services.


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