I have known Bill Trumpler, aka Nemo,  for about 15 years now, first meeting him through the Chthonic Auranian Temple. He is a seasoned occultists and Magus. Like most great magicians he is also a perpetual student, always looking for ways to learn something new and improve his game. Today he submitted a field report about the power of daily offerings, and I knew I just had to share it with everyone.

To be clear, these are not offerings to one spirit or another, but to four large classifications of beings that encompasses, well, pretty much everything. On a recent consultation a student complained that since doing offerings regularly their desires have been manifesting so effortlessly that they miss the constant spellwork they used to have to do just to keep up with life!

Bills report below is another testament to how the Strategic Sorcery offerings approach can completely transform the nature of the magic we do.

Without further ado, here is Bill’s report:

Field report (sort of) on offerings.

Before I read Jason’s writings on the subject of offerings, I only did them sporadically. Mainly becaue I took the old folklore about not over giving seriously. But I decided to test that supposition and follow Jason’s advice. Now I do a brief tarpanum based offering as well as general offerings pretty much daily. I also make an offering to the local spirits of the land everytime I take my dog for a walk in the local forest. It is the latter to which this report really applies, but just to offer encouragement to follow Jason’s lead and do these things daily, lets just say I feel I have less need to do a lot of results sorcery now that I have been doing daily offerings for the better part of two years. My house is generally very peaceful.

But back to the bit about local offerings in the forest.

This weekend, in the early morning fall air, I stopped to leave honey and bread for the local spirits at the base of a hollow tree, an action I have been doing now for some time on our morning walks. On this particular day, something finally changed in the air.

As I left the bread and honey, it suddenly felt like I was inside a kind of soft, silvery light, very energizing and calming. Not to sound cheesy, but think Lothlorien in the morning mist. It was kind of like that. The feeling of eyes on me was strong. Quite a bit of deep tension melted away, and I can only describe the general atmosphere as suddenly seeming more open and friendly in way I had not sensed previously. Even the dog began to behave differently, staring on point into the trees and acting more excited than usual. For the rest of the walk, he kept stopping and staring into the trees. Unusual for him, since he likes to run through the trees, not stop and stare at them.

The experience was subjective, of course, but it sure seemed to me that a threshold was crossed after two years in which the local spirits had decided they were going to accept my offer of frith and kinship. When I arrived back home, I wound up taking a deeply restorative nap, more relaxed than I have I have been in along time.

At any rate, if you are wondering what the point of all this daily offering stuff is, please persevere. It takes time to make friends in a place that has long been neglected or mistreated.

-Bill Nemo Trumpler

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