“Just because you are some kind of big lord, you think you are some kind of big genius. Nobility, money, titles, estates, rank—all that just makes you stuck-up and vain, and oblivious when you overstep the bounds. And what did you do to merit your assets and advantages? You went to the trouble of being born, and nothing more. Otherwise you’re really quite common. Whereas I—oh when I think of it!—I, lost in the faceless mob, had to muster more tactical skill and judgment just to scrape by than your gang has used to govern the whole Spanish empire for the last hundred years. And you want to go up against me?! “

Figaro, The Marriage of Figaro by Pierre Beaumarchais adapted by Stephen Wadsworth

I saw two of the three Figaro plays this weekend and was struck by this quote. Figaro is an interesting role model for the Money-Minded Magus. He is wary, and critical of the Aristocracy – yet he seeks fortune for himself and games the system from the inside rather than revolt openly or reject the concept of wealth itself.

He speaks in the play about his early attempts to reject or fight the system itself, and how he basically gets swatted down at every turn. The System is just too big and too powerful. Also, as you get older, you start to need some kind of comfort and sustenance. You realize that the Aristocracy and Government is not going to go anywhere, but that if you are cunning you can work it to your advantage and run rings around the slow-witted people born into position.

The game is stacked against the people today almost as much as it was in 18th century Spain and France.  What we do have going for us is what Figaro had – cunning and genius forged in the fired of necessity. Today we have unprecedented opportunity to apply magic and cunning to make our way in the world – to game it from the inside and change it to whatever degree we can. By being FORCED to rely on our wits and magic we gain a skill set that the entitled sons of the 1% will never have.

The world might seem like it is against you. In a very real way, it is. Use that knowlege as fuel. You cannot fight it head on. You cannot wish it away. You CAN look the gaps. The small opportunities that you can exploit to your advantage for fortunes sake.

Unleash your genius.
Banish your fear.
Ensorcel your fortune.
Be cunning and clever and always a step ahead of the game.
You cannot be defeated.


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Oscar Olivares Takahashi

Well said! This character definitely resonates with me. Interesting that we are “forced” to be cunning as we pass through the gate. I wonder if that is the way it was intended from the beginning. This is quite the playground we live in


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