Four Dimensional Apps and Enclothed Cognition
I am working on a piece about post-chaos magic, but it’s not done yet.
In the mean time here are two pretty cool articles for you.
First is an I-Phone App that helps you contextualize four dimensional space. Those of you in my course will note the importance of being able to stretch your mind in this way in order to work with probability shifting directly. I try to steer clear of the misguided “science has proved magic” kind of crap that you find here and there*, but that does not mean that there is no overlap or that science cannot help us contextualize mystical experience. Aside from that, this app is a lot of fun to mess around with.
Second is Enclothed Cognition. Those of you who follow my Journal know the value I place on proper attire for any given situation (yet ironically I rarely wear robes for magic) and the occasional fun I have proclaiming the magical virtue of the Suit and Tie. In fact, in the upcoming publication “When Kingdoms Come“, I have written up a piece elevating the suit to priestly vestments – detailing the symbolism and vesting prayers associated with each piece. This study shows that the cothing you wear, and how you think about it, not only effects how other people see you, but how your own brain processes work. Fascinating stuff.
* These kinds of things are almost always one sided claims with no legit scientists weighing in and made by people that think Quantum Physics is the newest thing to hit physics (its almost 100 years old now). See “What The Bleep Do We Know” for an example of science being misrepresented in this way.