Four Dimensional Apps and Enclothed Cognition

I am working on a piece about post-chaos magic, but it’s not done yet.

In the mean time here are two pretty cool articles for you.

First is an I-Phone App that helps you contextualize four dimensional space. Those of you in my course will note the importance of being able to stretch your mind in this way in order to work with probability shifting directly. I try to steer clear of the misguided “science has proved magic” kind of crap that you find here and there*, but that does not mean that there is no overlap or that science cannot help us contextualize mystical experience. Aside from that, this app is a lot of fun to mess around with.

Second is Enclothed Cognition. Those of you who follow my Journal know the value I place on proper attire for any given situation (yet ironically I rarely wear robes for magic) and the occasional fun I have proclaiming the magical virtue of the Suit and Tie. In fact, in the upcoming publication “When Kingdoms Come“, I have written up a piece elevating the suit to priestly vestments – detailing the symbolism and vesting prayers associated with each piece. This study shows that the cothing you wear, and how you think about it, not only effects how other people see you, but how your own brain processes work. Fascinating stuff.





* These kinds of things are almost always one sided claims with no legit scientists weighing in and made by people that think Quantum Physics is the newest thing to hit physics (its almost 100 years old now). See “What The Bleep Do We Know” for an example of science being misrepresented in this way.

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I wish “The Fourth Dimension” were free (or maybe a reduced functionality free version) so I could see how well they’re presenting tesseracts. Only demo pages show them unfolding a cube- but if you did that with a tesseract you’d have a goofy two directional (so four arms) cross- not especially useful for seeing how it fits together.

I usually hear the “we’re going to show this multi-dimension thing in 2 dimensions but that basically just means we’re showing you a shadow of it” explanation for these things.

Andrew Watt

Clothes definitely make the man, the woman, or the magician (of either gender). I wear a tie every day to work. As part of my magic, it’s always the color associated with the planet of the day. I’ve been looking for ties to wear during conjunctions, too, with mixed colors to represent (for example) the meeting of Venus and Jupiter (though purple and green ties are surprisingly difficult to find).

I’ve also just thought of a way to use knots to symbolize the work, using a more complex knot when the planet is above the horizon, and a less complex knot when it’s below. You could also use a tie-tack on days when the planet is going to be at the mid-heaven. All of this may be more complex than many people want to go, but the power of a good suit to work magic of all kinds should not be underestimated.

Mike Sententia

I find 4D and higher thinking rather important for understanding a lot of magick. How do you go about teaching it?

I usually start with a 2D diagram of roads or circuits, and represent the third dimension as color. (Each color = a different value for height, lines only interact if they’re the same color, since different colors go over / under one another.) It lets you imagine the 3 dimensions as 2D + color, and also as a real 3D picture, so you can see how color maps to height. Once you have that concept, you can do the same with 3D + color to build up to 4D, at which point it starts to become intuitive (for me, at least). But I haven’t taught many people, and I doubt this is the optimal approach.

And that app sounds nice, I’ll have to check it out. Thanks.

Maggi Setti

thanks for posting the 4-D app link! Brain mush! It actually illustrated some things that I’ve been running into contact with for a while now but didn’t have the right concepts to explain them. Thank you.

I think the teseract may also be relavent to the cube of space. It will be interesting to see what comes out of that perusal.

Thanks again!


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