From Floundering to Fortune 500: A Strategic Sorcery Field Report

Chess teamWant to make my heart sing? Send me a report of the success you have had using my books and course material. I received just such an e-mail about an hour ago and it is a great demonstration of how hard work, ingenuity, and a little Sorcery can completely turn your situation around.

There are a lot of good lessons in this report, that I will point out at the end of the post. First read the words of student Y.E. :

“When I First came across Jason’s material I was in dire straights. I had been unemployed for 5 months, having left a job I was burned out in to pursue my own career as a consultant and work part time for a friend’s start up. The start up bombed and while I was getting some consultant work here or there, the economy just didn’t support my venture. I’d been job hunting and nothing was happening. I was beginning to think I’d been cursed.

After reading Jason’s blog I purchased Financial Sorcery and e-mailed him regarding things I could do while waiting for the book to arrive. To my surprise he replied within minutes and answered my questions.

After the book arrived I decided I needed to simply find a job. ANY job. This Happened within a week. It wasn’t ideal, but it was income. I had at least caught a ledge on the way down! Now I could begin to climb back up.

Within 6 months I was a department manager. It still wasn’t ideal, but it was an improvement. I could coast here while I worked on the bettering things.

Within a 2 months of that promotion I was contacted by a headhunter who had found my old resume from the year before. I entertained his offers while leveraging his attention to fuel spells to gain better opportunities.

Things began to change fast and furious style as I continued to work my way through the Strategic Sorcery Course work, and his books. I won’t dwell on all of those details for brevity’s sake. I will say that I was overwhelmed at the difference his suggestions and material made to my own far more conservative training in the arts.

As I write this today I am a minor manager at Fortune 500 company which has just placed within the Fortune’s top 100 best places to work. Also today, in the 10 minutes before writing this, I registered to begin classes to finish off my degree which I had been forced to abandon due to financial hardships. My dreams of a start up business look brighter than ever as well with all the networking and connections I have been able to make with ‘just a little charm.’

If you are serious about your magick, then Jason’s material has my highest recommendation. Thank you Jason for all of your hard work and for the gift you have bestowed upon me and everyone else you touch.”

– Y.E.

OK, so I want to point out a few important nuggets here:

  • This didn’t happen overnight. It took close to a year to go from disaster mode to where he is now. Big changes take big time.
  • That doesn’t mean you wait for a spell to work for a year though. You work in steps and enchant for each one. The results should come within a short period of time depending on what it is. In come cases it was weeks, in others mere days.
  • He started off by willing to quit something that was not working. This is SUPER important.. You need to be able to recognize when something isn’t working, or isn’t working well enough, and be able to quit. It could be a magical technique that is not working, or it could be your entire goal is not feasible. It requires discernment and emotional resilience to be able to drop something and move on.
  • He was able to recognize the need for triage, and take a job that he didn’t really want in order to stop the bleeding. People need to do this from time to time. I went from professional positions at AIG and Net2Phone to installing blinds and shutters (Hunter Douglas still calls me for high-end jobs even though I don’t do it anymore) while I got Strategic Sorcery off the ground. Other occultists and entrepreneurs have done similar things. Daymon John worked at Red Lobster well beyond the point that customers were coming in to his restaurant wearing his FUBU clothes. You CAN enchant for things that are not the final goal.
  • Check out this line: “I entertained his offers while leveraging his attention to fuel spells to gain better opportunities.”  This is how Strategic Sorcery is done! Spell gets headhunter to notice an old resume you posted and calls you. Rather than take the first thing he offers as some kind of “sign” that the spirits want you to do this, you build further spells upon it!  I FREAKING LOVE THIS GUY!!!
  • Lastly, he has come full circle and is taking another stab at his entrepreneurial dreams that he set aside a year ago. He probably has better ideas and certainly has better connections now that he has re-positioned himself. I can’t wait to hear where he is next year this time!

I hope that you enjoyed the field report and learned something from it. In May we will be kicking up a Global Jupiter Success rite, so this is a good report to get the wheels turning for that.

For info on Strategic Sorcery Course click here. 

To get a copy of Financial Sorcery Go here or here.

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the closet hippy

I love this field report!
Especially the part – “I entertained his offers while leveraging his attention to fuel spells to gain better opportunities.” — this gave me a whole slew of new ideas! I know I get stuck working on the big goal instead of taking and enchanting for smaller steps. So, thanks for the reminder.
Thank you for sharing 🙂


Wow. Thanks for the Kind words in the commentary!

For those interested in the process I used to leverage the job offers I used a process very similar to redlining a document (http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/redlining.html ) but the other being involved in the edit was the spirits I was working with. I considered each new job offer their returned redline and would further edit and place it on the altar and open negotiations again, explaining my edits and reasoning. It sometimes got very involved, but usually, I simply got the impression that the spirits would listen and then get to work on the new changes.

Ivy Bromius

Oh, excellent! I also love the focus on building connections and the continuing education (always keep learning). Congrats to you both!

Juan Leandro gARCIA Martin

There I go …

Yes, I´m not working and I wan´t to have my own Sorcerer consulting.

The reality is than I work with Secret Sorcerer from two years ago and my protection go really better … But …

Well, one of my objets is 2.100 Euros every moth at home. In Spain is quite good and is not imposible.

A month ago I looking the incomes of my family and is stupid, but yes … 2.100 Euros (a few more) and better totally free of taxes.

Now I change my object and put it in 8.100 Euros/moth … Will see!

I think than with my Sorcerer consulting is really possible … Will see!


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