Getting out of the Quarter in New Orleans

I just got back from Hexfest, which was a blast and a half. Thanks to Christian Day and Brian Cain for being awesome hosts, and to Xina and the whole Hex crew for being incredibly efficient. Strategy and follow through are my thing, so I was really impressed at how smooth things went, and how deftly the team handled any hiccups that came from outside. This is the mark of great Sorcerers.

A big part of NOLA is shopping and visiting occult stores and temples. There is nothing wrong with the ones in the Quarter. Even ones like Rev Zombies that are clearly catering to tourists have a TON of awesome goods you don’t typically find elsewhere. Want an Exu or Pomba Gira statue? They have a lot.  Hex has perhaps the best curated book selection I have ever seen and some unique and made ritual tools.  That said, I think any occultist visiting the city should get out a bit beyond the box. My favorite places outside the quarter:

Carmel & Sons: I ventured into the Treme to this Botanica to retrieve a statue of St Cyprian from Cuba that I have never seen before, but I heard that they had (thanks Marcus). Run by Mama Carmel this shop focuses on Haitian Vodou and is stocked to the hilt with OLD SCHOOL stuff. I saw things on the shelves at Carmel & Son’s that I haven’t seen since I was a kid. No pretense, no Woowoo, just helpful staff that is friendly and frank. I LOVE this store.

Botanica Macumba: On St Claude which is (I think) right on the border of the Marigny and Lower 9th Ward, they are not yet fully open to the public but were kind enough to let me in. They are focusing on a community center, and will have a bar and performance area. Not fully stocked yet, but I was able to find Ironwork tridents for my Exu’s and Pomba Gira so if that is any sign of the stuff that they will carry in the future, expect lots of great things. This is also the new location for the New Orleans Santa Muerte Shrine, which is something that every occultists should take time visit and make an offering to.

Crescent City Conjure: I didn’t actually get a chance to go here, but I did spend some time with Sen Elias and look at his work. He takes great care in even simple Gris-Gris bags with edges of the fringe at the top that feel like wax has been melted along the line or perhaps something heated to seal it. Nice tight and potent work. This shop is only a few months old and just outside the quarter on Royal street in the Marigny.

Again, the shops in the Quarter are great: I love them all, each in their own way. I am just saying don’t forget to uber, taxi, or lyft your way to stuff outside the bounds. There is a lot east of Esplanade, West of Canal, and North of Congo Square.

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