A few months ago I had a very powerful waking vision of Green Tara which took up the entire sky. She was surrounded by smaller versions of the 21 other manifestations of Tara, which were all beaming light into the central green figure. I immediately decided to begin charging up a batch of 21 Green Tara talismans, which are now finished.

For those that do not know, Green Tara is the most prevalent image of Tara, and she is common to all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. She is specifically dedicated to overthrowing material, mental, and spiritual obstacles so that, as it says in one of her sadhanas, “not even the name of the obstruction exists”.

The really great part of Green Tara is that unlike other obstacle destroying figures which are wrathful, Green Tara is peaceful. She is no less powerful though. When I was a young Buddhist, Lobsang Samten suggested Green Tara to me as a way to overcome an obstacle. I asked if she was as good as a wrathful protector and his words stayed with me as an important teaching: “She can overcome ANY obstacle. What makes her better for you at this time is that she will do it with flowers instead of weapons”. The obstacles I was working to overcome were obstacles keeping me from moving to Nepal. Green Tara did indeed blast through them, and I found myself in Nepal that time next year.

These talismans are similar to the ones that I have done in the past. Her image is on the front, and her mantra is on the back.  There are three things that I am doing differently.

1. Each talisman will be accompanied by a short ritual that you can do to conquer specific obstacles. You do not need an empowerment for this. It is the first time that I am offering a rite to accompany the talisman.

2. All talismans purchased by the end of this week will be mailed by June 10th.  If it’s late, its your for free.


You can pay via paypal using inominandum@gmail.com as the destination.





Just a side note: the 21 Taras are different manifestations of Tara all geared to specific ends. There is not a single Sorcerous need that cannot be met by Tara. One could theoretically become a proper “Tara Sorceress or Sorcerer”, and not ever contact another being. 

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