For the last 4 years Strategic Sorcery has run a Hekate-Helios Global Rite. This combination of Dark/Light mojo takes advantage of this very special time of year when the night is longest yet the earth is closest to the sun. It is also the perfect thing to take the New Years energy and help turn your resolution into something that actually gets done.

“I got proposed and married in 6 months; my practice improved 300% and I have all kinds of interesting abilities manifesting; I got more free time and more money; I even took up my miniature painting hobby back. I had a long list full of things that I listed in the ritual and most of those are crossed now.”
– RC

“Both my spouse and I did the rite last year, and within 3 months, my spouse landed their dream job which lead to our moving into a much better apartment for a trivial increase in rent, and I started down a path that would ultimately lead to almost tripling my base salary these past couple months.
– B

WHEN DO I HAVE TO DO THE RITE? The Hekate portion van be performed any night between New Years Eve and January 3rd. The Helios portion should be performed the following morning or afternoon, between January 1st and January 4th. This ties together the currents of New Years with the Perihelion – the moment the sun comes closest to the earth. You can perform the rite for yourself anytime after this, but the window for this to be a “linked” with the work of hundreds of other people (there are over 1000 people that have taken the course) is during these four days.

WHEN WILL I ACTUALLY RECEIVE THE RITE? I am sending it out to everyone in the Strategic Sorcery Course a few days before New Years.

WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS ANYWAY? To help support your Sorcerous efforts. These can be your efforts to master the art, to gain wealth, to serve others, to find love, or just about anything else. Hekate supports from below and Helios illuminates from above.

DO I NEED ANY SPECIAL MATERIALS FOR THE RITE? You CAN do the ritual with nothing but your person, but some incense and candles help. Beyond this you can keep it as stark or as elaborate as you wish. People have incorporated statues, ikons, rosaries and all sorts of equipment. They are not however necessary.

HOW LONG DOES EACH RITE TAKE? Each rite has some chanting in it, so the length of the ritual can vary depending on how long you chant for. I would say people can spend between 15 minutes and 1 hour doing each part.

DO I HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE TO PARTICIPATE? Yes. All graduates, students of former cycles, and current students will be invited to participate, but you must be part of the community to participate.

SO WHATS THE DEAL WITH THIS COURSE? 52 Lessons in practical Sorcery. You can click here to learn more and sign up.  Or just join now:

Strategic Sorcery $150

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