Hekate Questions and Answers

Last week I reached out several places and asked if anyone had any questions about the Sorcery of Hekate Course and the Arcana that it teaches. Here are they are, but first I want to draw your attention to the awesome art in the post. This was done by Filipe Teixeira and inspired by his fiance doing the Hekate work. I continue to be floored at how this practice is opening doors and inspiring people.

There are commitments while the course is ongoing, will there be any after it’s finished?
That depends on you. If you want to actively work with it, then yes. If you decide to drop it after a while, or take a break there are ways to suspend that commitment and close the door, as well as ways to pick up the thread or practice and open it again.

Is there a chemistry factor to establish a good relationship with Hekate? Not everyone gets along in real life
Hekate is not that egoistic. It may be that you do not resonate with our approach, or decide that you are not interested in Hekate, but it is not a matter of “you both not getting along” or anything like that.

You refer to the course a a system of sorcery. Would this be close to a philosophy on how magic works? Or a practical system as in a style of doing?
In this case it is PURELY practical. There is very little philosophy to it. While there is an explanation for how and why we do anything in the course, it is not meant as an explanation of how all magic works or anything like that. One thing that Hekate keeps driving home is that there is more out there than we know, and more that can have the capacity to know at this time.

How close is this course to a ritualistic religious practice? Is it very worship oriented or more practical?
It is not worship oriented at all, and at least as far as this manifestation of her teaching goes, she is not interested in worship. The only worship worthy of her is to become as she is: wise, powerful, self-possessed, and ever beyond beyond. 

Would this course and its practices clash with people who have a Christian mindset? That is praying to Jesus and Ancestors before practicing magic? 
No. The arcana began being transmitted when I was a staunch Buddhist living in Nepal. It continued as I explored Christianity and a host of other things. These are hang ups that largely come from us, not the spirits or gods.

Is there anyone you would not recommend it to? Aside from lazy people unwilling to follow the commitments.
Because of the financial commitments I would not recommend it to people who are struggling. If you cannot comfortably afford $25 a week, this is not going to suddenly fix all that. Beyond that I would not recommend it to people who are just looking for a fast experience. This is not dial-a-diety where you get chatty with a goddess or a projection thereof. This is a deeper relationship than that, and more importantly, it is a practice that changes YOU.

Ive been in most of your courses for 2 years. TBYM and Sorcery. In the beginning I wanted to do all this stuff BUT it is so intimidating for a beginner. How to pronounce the mantras…Connecting with different dieties. I have tried, but its not resognating and I looked for beginning sorcery, but to no avail. So, my question: Although I am interested, Im not sure this is a course for beginners. If its like your others, then Im assuming not. FYI: I have bought your books also, followed them, but didn’t know what the heck Im doing!! It feels like im running thru emotions but not having proper intention due to not understanding what I am doing and for what…anyway. Struggling student here. SO, additional question. Would this (Hecate) help me with opening doors/blockages?
While in other courses I lay things out and expect the student to do some googling for pronunciations and such, this course IS DIFFERENT. There are pronunciations guides, the occasional video, and a bi-weekly Q&A where I answer ALL QUESTIONS submitted. One of the reasons for the increased cost to the student, is the increas3d commitment and time required from me. Something I take very seriously. There will be nothing left to the imagination, and bi weekly opportunities to get clarity on anything at all.

When doing reparations for missing a day of chanting what is the requirement we have to do to repair connection?..(ive heard different answers from other students i know what i do but it the actual repair)
1000 mantras and an offering of eggs and honey. This should be understood as repairing a thread of practice that you have been building over time, and not an apology to a pissed-off goddess. There is no need for forgiveness, just catching up.

Does this classify as an “enlightenment practice” of some sorts?

Do i get it right this practice is both to be used for “low magick”/manifestation as well as transcendence?
Yes. Though rather than transcendence, it might be better to describe it as maximum immanence.

Is the practice “exclusive”, meaning does it interfere with any other currents, spirits or egregores? Can i continue working with other currents same time, or in general? 
Nothing I teach is exclusive. I might be one of the first teachers who assumes that his students are also studying elsewhere.

In what ways can this practice/course empower the magician? you states somewhere the goal of the course is about “becoming more like her”. how so? is this about attaining some kind of godhood, becoming something different, like magickal transformation or alchemy of some sorts?
First, we gain access to a certain source of power, that might be described almost as a living magical machine. Then we apply this to empower us in our lives and pursuits. Finally we are transformed by our participation in this process, which in turn opens up deeper options for mystical exploration. Beyond that I really can’t comment without revealing lots of course material. It is indeed transformation and alchemy.

Does the course have it’s own system of evocation?
It does in fact. Yes.

What tools can students get before the course officially starts next month?
You don’t need anything to start. Eventually students will want to get a skeleton key, 100 or so snake bones, a dagger, a borderless concave scrying mirror, and a few other things. It is best if we just roll with the class though.

100 repetitions of IO HEKA IO HO per day, during the 7 months of training, comes to about 21,000 recitations in total. Is the accumulation of the chant, by the end of the course, going to be used for something specific OR is doing the chants everyday part of the discipline of doing the course?
They are the bare minimum commitment just to keep your mojo rolling. If you want to get full advantages from what the course offers there is much more that you will be doing. We are talking about 5 minutes of work per day – this is not a major commitment.

How do you know if Hekate is the goddess for you?
Hekate is a goddess for everybody. Most gods are. I hope I don’t offend anyone with this answer but the idea that they have these likes and dislikes about people is more a reflection of our supermarket mentality towards the world of magic than anything else. Whether she is a goddess you want to work with or not is another question, and the only way to know is to take it for a spin, and stick with it for 7 months. There is more that comes after that, but the 7 month cut-off was decided upon as a stepping off point for people who don’t want to take it farther.

What mistake/s did you make that made Hekate stop communicating with you for 2 years ?
Heard about that huh? I will go into detail for people in the course, but essentially I projected something I wanted to be in the arcana that was not meant to be there. Some spirits took that up and fooled me for a few months precisely because it was the kind of thing I thought should be there. That’s the thing about spirits, if you always get a yes, you are in fantasy land. The period of silence after that was for me to purify my perception, but also to pursue something else with clarity.

How did you repair your relationship with Hekate ?
Again, it was not a matter of her being pissed. It was reparation of a thread of communication. I didn’t do anything except listen for her, and then offer a supper when omens indicated she was ready. This is one reason that I move slowly with releasing things like this.

What advice would you give on how to successfully establish a mutually beneficial working relationship with Her ?
I have a whole course on that …. 🙂

What happens if you skip lessons in the course?
You catch up when you can.

If you cant stay with the course pace and stay with everyone and getting new tech once a month should you continue with the class doing the work even if you might not feel like your getting the visualizations down?
The visualization portions are not all that is important, so you should continue. It is also not a practice where you have to keep up with anyone. If you fall way behind finish your cycle, and you are welcome to join future cycles for free to pick it up again.

What was the most important thing you learnt about Hekate herself whilst recieving her teachings?
How a diety can be both intimate and immanent while cosmic and transcendent at the same time.

I heard that there are most parts after this 7 months. Is that true, and if so what do they cost? 
That is true. There is also a part 2, which is 6 months long and costs $100 a month – the same as the first part. After that there is a Society you can join with a small monthly dues, a fraction of what the course training costs. It is only open to those that have completed both parts of the Hekate Training. There are lots of occult societies and order, but very few where everyone is highly trained before they even join.



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