International Women’s Day

I would like to wish everyone a happy and powerful International Women’s day.

As I look back on the past year I am gobsmacked at the changes that have come to society in such a short amount of time. It is as if the release of Wonder Women as a movie unlocked the inner superhero of women all over the world. It does my heart good to know from field reports that there are more than a few Sorceresses that have employed some of the teachings of Strategic Sorcery to help overcome bias in the workplace, adversity in the home, and increase their safety and security in society at large.

There has been a lot of push-back against the #MeToo movement as people (not just or even primarily men) stand up and and point to cases of over-reach and people that have been “taken down” for reasons that are questionable at best. I wrote an article on facebook at the beginning of the movement saying that its not a scary time to be a man if your not a predator – I can honestly say thats not necessarily true anymore.

But here is the thing: Show me a movement that does NOT over-reach. Show me a movement that does NOT have people who take it too far. Show me a movement that does NOT have a radical fringe. If you do, I can assure you it is small and unsuccessful. A movement like #MeToo, unprecedented in size, impact, and speed is going to have some ugly bits. It’s a human movement, and surprise women are human. Whatever mess the movement leaves in its wake is certainly no worse than the mess that preceded it – one that was kept silent and swept under the rug.

Its easy to try and discredit any movement by focusing on the fringe incidents and magnifying them, but we mustn’t do that. It is the very thing that is tearing our country apart and making us think that it’s ok not to listen to those who do not fit our pre-conceived notions.  We mustn’t do that, so I want to reiterate my support for women and the #MeToo movement.

Happy International Womens Day.

Go smash some glass ceilings.

NOTE: Some will comment on this wondering why I didnt just offer support instead of commenting on over-reach. The reason is that I am a man, and this is written to answer what is often a man’s reaction to #MeToo.

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