I am happy to once again be hosting the Juno Global Prosperity Rote on May 1st. Why May Day? Because I asked a Peacock. I’m not even kidding about that. In April 2016  I saw this peacock walking around.

So since the Peacock is sacred to Juno I asked if I should hold the Juno rite on Mayday and it turned towards me and did this:

If that is not a “Fuck Yeah You Should!” then I don’t know what is. And do that is why we do Juno’s rite on Mayday.

Of all the rites the Strategic Sorcery community does each year, this is the stand-out ritual for helping launch new businesses and projects that yield significant returns.

Because Juno isn’t often invoked and is sometimes conflated with Hera, maybe you want more info as to why you should call upon her.


First and foremost we are calling upon Juno because she is a Queen and the patron Goddess of the Roman Empire. Keeping the theme that what we are working for is rulership over our own lives as well as peaceful and prosperous relations within the society we live within she is perfect.

Juno is also not simply the wife of Jupiter, she is his sister as well. If we were talking about humans this would be a big no-no, but in terms of the Gods this shows Juno is equal to Jupiter. She is not dependent upon his wealth or power. Strong independent women are awesome.


I see too many pagan rites focused on either young maiden figures or ancient crones. Juno is interesting in that she represents Maturity – there is no mistaking that Juno is a WOMAN not a girl – yet she also rules over vital force and youthfulness. The need to carry youthful inquisitiveness, inventiveness, and ingenuity into maturity is definately needed in this fast changing economy. In a world where workers  over-50 are the “new unemployables” this power to maintain ones ability to change with the world in a youthful way is more important than ever.


Juno Sospita is a savior and warrior. See that spear in her hand? She means business.

In the new apocalypse economy, Juno’s motherly instinct to protect her children can serve you very well. Those that have been finding themselves having hard times, without even the basic structure for Jupiter to work on expanding, may just find a strong ally in Juno.


Juno is the goddess of marriage, which may not seem relevant to prosperity rites until you consider that the number one cause of marital problems is money and the lack thereof.


One of the epithets of Juno is MONETA from which we get the word Money. Roman coins were minted in her temple. She is not only a protectress of people but of funds.

Juno’s oracles frequently issued warnings about fiscal instability. If you are currently unstable in your finances, protecting investments from loss, or concerned about the economic upheavals we are all experiencing there is no better power to call upon.

Can I get an Ave Juno?


Some people, men mostly, have expressed concern about working with Juno.

SHOULD MEN BE SCARED TO WORK WITH JUNO? Were women scared to work with Jupiter? No. Why would you be scared to work with Juno? Juno is very-much pro-woman, but that does not make her anti-man. If you beat your wife or are working to limit the freedom of women then yes, I think you should avoid working with Juno. If not, you are cool. She will even help you loosen your wife’s girdle….

BUT ISN’T SHE JEALOUS AND VINDICTIVE? You are confusing her with Hera from Greece. They are not the same. Juno and Jove played tricks on each other all the time, but in general they were playful than vengeful. Also, Jupiter is not Zeus. If you were married to Zeus you would probably be jealous and vindictive too.

I hope this sheds some light on Juno and why we are doing a Global Juno Prosperity Rite.


If you are a member of the Strategic Sorcery Course you will be getting the Juno Rite automatically. If you are not a member of Strategic Sorcery, now is a great time to join.

Strategic Sorcery Course
$150 for a YEAR of lessons.


NOTE: As I write this Paypal is having a problem with Chrome Browsers. If the link is dead in Chrome try it in another browser or an incognito Chrome window


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Sara Mastros

I just want to stick up for Hera some. The Hera presented by Homer, the jealous vindictive man-hater, isn’t actually Hera either. Homer is a RAGING misogynist. He paints ALL the female gods that way. Homer’s works aren’t religious texts, they’re popular entertainment. Juno of the Aeneid is just as terrible. Literally that entire book is about Juno being petty, vicious, and cruel to Aeneus, men in general, and basically anyone she can lay hands on. And yet, that is not Juno, just as Homer’s Hera is not Hera, it’s violent, vicious misogynist blood-libel.


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