Mental Illness, Health, and Magic

I am not a doctor, therapist, psychologist, pastoral counselor, or healthcare professional of any kind.  Even if I was, the kind of internet based teaching that I give would be a poor base for me to base diagnoses on. Therefore, I do not comment on matters of mental illness. 

Sadly, there are a lot of Pagan and Magical communities where non-trained people dole out advice on these matters. It has become so regular in some circles that sometimes students I am the first teacher they have ever encountered who will not give advice or diagnosis within the scope of courses. I take all healthcare issues very seriously, and therefore my advice is always going to be to seek a professional.

If you are wondering if a practice is ok to do based on your partiular health needs, I cannot answer that for you. If a meditation of practice in a course is creating a mental health crisis, or for that many any kind of health crisis, my advice is to stop immediately and consult your doctor.