More on Trust and Fate

I was reminded of a converation I had a long time ago with my teacher Lama Vajranatha. We were at Triten Norbutse Monastery and a westerner had just come to see the Lopon for advice on his new business venture. A few days before that a friend of ours had seen him for advice on a prospective bride.

Lama-la said “It just never ends. People line up to ask these monks for advice about money and marriage – two things that they don’t know anything about.”

See the Lamas (who in this case are monks) can be quite wise, and of course are spiritually advanced and all that jazz. Unfortunately that does not make them knowledgeable about money or love. So they try and deflect the question into practice, but we always insist. So they give a short reading, or just offer their honest advice based on what they know. I know known a few people that have gone broke over-valuing this advice.

Spirituality and magic are such that if you display some insight into human nature, or god forbid some actual magical ability, people assume that you know everything about everything or can just zap up anything.

In the last post I talked about the Angels screwing up your life, and gave the example of getting you canned from your day job, because you need more time to work on your side business producing bronie t-shirts or something crazy like that, which you love, but which is not likely to keep a roof over your head. This is a little like asking the monk for advice on money and marriage.

The Angel here is not screwing with you for shits and giggles the a demon might*. The angel is doing his best to assist you with something based on the information he has. It’s not his job to run the details of your existence. You called him.

In Financial Sorcery, there is a small section on Inominandum’s Rules for working with Spirits. The last of those rules is to maintain sovereignty. This can be tough, especially on some traditional paths where making yourself subject to a head spirit, patron diety, or even another human being is part and parcel to the process. That said, I still believe in its importance.



*Lets argue this later ok? Or better yet, go back and read old posts where it was argued into the ground.

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Yeah, remember when we had TIME to argue shit into the ground?


No longer man, no longer, thats for sure.


I was hoping for an actual link to bronie t-shirts. I was so excited before I clicked on the link.

So, here is a link for you: http://www.amazon.com/Little-Brony-Heather-Blue-T-shirt/dp/B006BIJIUI/ref=pd_sbs_a_4

Rose Weaver

“The Angel here is not screwing with you for shits and giggles the a demon might*. The angel is doing his best to assist you with something based on the information he has. It’s not his job to run the details of your existence. You called him.”

I do like this explanation. Nicely stated.

Blog Post Round-Up — Magick of Thought

[…] points out that spirits often don’t understand money, and may give bad advice where human matters are concerned. This has been my experience as well, […]


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