New Strategic Sorcery Cycle and Global Hekate Rite

Halloween 2014

Five Years ago, I noticed a problem in the way many people were using practical magic. The spells, spirits, and rituals they were using were just fine, but they way that they were being used was not getting people anywhere. It was not being integrated into real life strategies that way that I knew it could be. I decided to offer something different.
On Halloween 2009 I started the first cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course, and since then over 1000 people have taken the course and benefited from an approach to magic that makes real and lasting changes in their lives.

I am very excited to be announcing the next Cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course which will begin on Halloween – October 31st

Every cycle of the course starts on an auspicious date, but the Halloween cycles are always special to me, and I like to celebrate them with a Global Hekate Rite.


To kick off this cycle I will be releasing a special Hekate rite that can be performed between October 31st and November 2nd. This rite is optional, but will link you up to a root power of Sorcery, as well as other people performing the same rite all over the globe. Reports from prior global rites have proved the powerful catalyst that these rituals can provide.


The course consists of 52 lessons arriving by e-mail every Tuesday morning for a year. In addition to this there is a student’s group and access to me for questions.

The cost for the class is $150

To sign up for the course simply write me at INOMINANDUM@GMAIL.COM for an information packet or click the paypal button below.



I treasure any feedback about the course, but I place extra value on students who already  have years and years of experience. I received this letter three days ago from a student who has been practicing magic for almost fifty years:

“I first became interested in the Occult around 1965 (I was in my early teens). Over the years I have belonged to a couple of occult fraternal organizations, read dozens of books, and performed some very dramatic attempts at ritual magic (with a little witchcraft, from time-to-time).  My results were less than spectacular.

For the past year I have been working slowly and carefully through the Strategic Sorcery course, and have only applied the most elementary material.  However, I have learned more, and had more tangible, verifiable results (financial magic, specifically) from Jason Miller in the past year, than I gained from anything I’ve previously attempted.  His instruction in the art of proper meditation is worth the price of the course all by itself.

I have paid more, and gotten less many times.  Thank you Jason!”

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Anna Anima Mundi

I’m with the previous writer. Even if one is a seasoned occultist, Jason has a way of framing subjects that gets to the clear heart-essence of the teaching or activity. Like many occultists, I have a huge bag of ritual tech and concepts to draw from — perhaps too many — and this course is not just about learning new tech, although that’s included, but helps with sorting, evaluating, and prioritizing the tools one already has.

Stone Dog

Yep. I’ve used about 5% of the course so far and I got better results than with any other occult material I had ever read in the last 15 years combined. It’s not just the content of the individual lessons – which is high quality in itself – it’s that it all fits in a coherent, organic whole, it gives you a kind of MAP that makes sense of all the different tools and methods you may want to adopt.
It’s not just effective, it is efficient: integrating magic with mundane efforts and day-to-day life like Jason shows in this course means getting 3 times the results in one third of the time. The course is easily worth $500, grab it at this price while you can.


Looking forward to the rite. 🙂

Details on the Hekate Helios New Years Ritual | Strategic Sorcery Blog

[…] WHATS THE DEAL WITH THIS COURSE? 52 Lessons in practical Sorcery. You can click here to learn more and sign up.  Or just join […]


Do I have to wait for the next cycle to sign up or can I do it anytime?


Sweet. I just signed up. I’m excited.


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