On Victims Of Magical Attack In Courses

For the last few cycles more and more people are joining my courses seemingly because they are victims of magical attacks and expecting the course to arm them against such attacks. Since I don’t do consultations anymore, this has become a sort of back door consult.

This is not a good reason to be join a course.


First, lets break down what is actually going on with people claiming psychic attack:

1. 10-20% are actually experiencing some kind of psychic or magical attack. This percentage might in fact be getting smaller and smaller with the growth of social media and it’s validation of dramatic poppycock.

2. Another 10-20% are experiencing crossed conditions of some kind that are not an attack, but simply being magically or psychically unwell. This can be triggered by a number of factors, but its not an attack.

3. Another 20-30% are experiencing the normal sufferings and downturns of life, but looking for a reason behind it. People always seem to want a reason why bad things happen, but there usually isn’t one beyond ordinary causes and conditions. If you were a travel agent that got laid off and cannot now find work as a travel agent, you aren’t cursed by anything other than expediadotcom.

4. Another 20-30% are in need of mental health treatments and have assigned their problems to spiritual rather than psychological causes.

5. Another 10-20% are just cultivating a dramatic story. This seems an odd thing to do, but it gives the “victim” three things: an excuse why their life isn’t going the way they want, a dramatic story in which they are the center, and a sense of importance – otherwise why would lodges of black magicians be staying up late trying to curse them?

If someone is saying that unnamed “Black magicians” or groups of “Black Magicians” are working against them it is pretty much a guarantee that they fall into category 4 or 5.

Certainly if you are in category 2 or 3, one of my classes, or most magical training is going to help you out.

If you are in category 1 this class or another kind of magical training MIGHT help, but lets really think about what you are trying to do:

Train to become a fighter while getting the shit beat out of you.

I don’t know if you have ever been bullied or beat up regularly, but I was a kid. I signed up for Karate and you know what happened for the next year? I lost every single fight with a bully. Why? Because its hard to worry about your stance and form when someone is pummeling you in the face. It took a while before I could hold my own.

If you are really under serious psychic attack, the solution is NOT to train in a course that trains you to be a Sorcerer, Witch, or Magician. You need treatment for the problem. Whether its straight up protection magic you do for yourself or seeking a professionals intercession.

If you are sick: you take medicine, not enroll in med school.

If you are experiencing a mental health disturbance, you seek therapy, not enroll to be trained as a counselor.

So there you go.

If you want to know what I have to say to victims of psychic attacks, you don’t need my courses. I wrote it in a book that costs less than 20 bucks.