First Lessons will go out on Candlemas/Imbolc – This Sunday, Feb 2nd.

Send an E-mail to inominandum@gmail.com and request your packet information packet today.

In this meantime here is another great Field Report from the New Year Global Hekate Helios Rite. This one focuses on the first stages of a year long petition that touches on several areas: health, sex, finances, and taking magic further. Check it out:

The way I made my request was with a flow chart. Looking it over, all the things that I asked to flow my way soon have been granted but most of it is stuff that could take up to a year to manifest.

I can say already that I have found people are more attracted to me and treat me with increased respect. Additionally, I asked for increased sexual stamina and have found myself getting more skilled in this area since (for instance, I discovered new ways to flex my pc muscle to further prevent ejaculation but still have not tried to test my request of being able to have vigorous sex for two or more hours). I had also asked that my sexual partners would receive great pleasure from me and that this would be measured via unbridled vocalizations during sex. I can say this has certainly happened and that it has modified my approach to sex, making me a more attentive lover (this is connected to another request of mine which asked that I would learn to be a great listener). I also asked that my exercise and diet regimen result in a certain body fat percentage and a muscular physique. I received my creatine which I had ordered a little after christmas and found a very good fitness class included for free with my gym membership. This lead to a sudden muscle growth spurt making me noticeably more muscularly defined (I have not yet measured my body fat %). I had also asked that I would find one or more sexual partners in addition to my SO (we are in an open relationship). This is an obstacle which has been difficult for me to overcome over the past 18 or so months. Having enrolled in a sword-fighting class (as per my pledge of being involved in projects and being social to open pathways for the working to manifest) I met and got a super sexy woman’s number after having engaged her in grappling exercises at the class. I was able to spontaneously and confidently flirt with her which is a bit new territory for me. The flirting surprised even me as if it sprang forth from me with thought. Noteworthy, is that I had specified that this would happen gradually and without drama. This woman will be away in Australia until March. Meaning that the connection must necessarily be dispersed and allows my SO and I an acclimation period. Though I realize it may lead to a dead end, it did open new doors for me in terms of personal growth which will aid in the attainment of this particular goal.

I asked for a 60%-100% increase in salary by year’s end, via more fulfilling and satisfying work and did get an opportunity to work part-time (in addition to my full-time job) at an authentic recreation of a ming dynasty chinese mansion. This not only was a refreshing and welcome change, it lead to spiritual progress (which I discuss further down) and has sparked a potential business idea for me to explore over the year. I’m currently working on applying at a float house (a centre with multiple sensory deprivation tanks). If I land this job, and I intend to do everything I can to do so, it would mean a salary increase and work in line with my values.

But, having asked for my requests to be granted in a gradual manner means that I will have to pay particular attention to the details of my life over 2014. What I have noticed thus far is that January has behaved as a microcosm of what my goals would look like when fully attained. It’s as if I’ve been given a sample of what is coming. I read into this a few things. This being my first communication with the gods (at least consciously), I think they are welcoming me but saying I need to prove myself before proceeding further. Which I feel I am doing well. I have stayed true to all my pledges to the best of my ability and see no reason why I wouldn’t be able to continue doing so. Also, I see this month as possibly a message that I should not doubt these gods. I did ask for a manageable upward curve towards my goals so it’s as if they are saying, “here’s an encapsulated version of what you will experience”.

Also also, I’ve been trying some stuff from TSS so am getting results from this as well. One particularly striking result was me doing a diviniation for my SO regarding her being the victim of slander at her place of work. The advice was that there was no threat to her and to simply pay attention to the spirits of the place. Remember the chinese mansion I told you about? That’s where my SO works. Well, it apparently has lonely spirits and they are quite pleased that my SO and I are finally paying attention to them. A gesture of offering is made to them regularly by my SO and I, the funnest of which is positioning ourselves appropriately according to the yin yang motif of the architecture. The workers responsible for the malicious gossip are under investigation. Liars are being exposed, important lessons in office politics and social dynamics are being learned and hierarchies are shifting. It turns out this is not the first time something like this happened and the perpetrators’ jobs are at stake this time. This goes in line with what my SO wanted for the mansion/garden: an expanding of the values already existing there. The entire architecture is built according to taoist philosophy and is constructed in such a way as to limit the working of nefarious spirits. Having asked that the good spirits expand their territory beyond the bounds of the building itself and into the office spaces seems to be leading towards a banishing of malicious employees or at least some sort of retribution for lack of respect for the sanctity of the place.

Another striking result from applying TSS methods was a discussion I had to have with one of my supervisors regarding a partial move to a new department. This supervisor is territorial, possessive of her employees and generally prone to drama. My general manager even did not want to discuss it with her. All of us expected a negative reaction from her. So I used anchors and vox magicae and embedded my message within casual conversation. When the discussion happened, her reaction was completely positive, favorable and very much mirrored her behavior during the conversation in which I dropped anchors and embedded the vox magicae. In addition to this, I began making offerings (in her absence) to a money Buddha she keeps in her office, despite being Muslim. The Buddha had a penny in its mouth and I replaced it with a dime and some astral incense asking to be favored 10 times more. I do this as regularly as I can. Since then, an effect similar to the one at my SOs place of work has occurred at mine. Liars are being exposed, reputations are lost and gained, hierarchies are shifting.

Notice how I speak of spirits above. This was not a model I was ever able to work with. I grew up in a fundamental christian household and after leaving this toxic environment, magic appealed to me because of it’s agnosticism. Particularly chaos magic. When the course and book were recommended to me by a friend I did not expect it to contain prayers, rituals, communion with gods and spirits and so forth. Fortunately, I refused to extract myself from my personal commitment to learn. For some reason I’ve begun to sense the beings and energies now. This has triggered memories of me doing this as a child who had no vocabulary to append to the experiences.

Overall, I’ve found that preparing for the Hekate/Helios rite added cohesion to my vision. Since performing it, I’ve found the magic manifesting with more elegance, gracefulness and … smoothness would be a good word. Whereas before my magic was more disjointed and patchworky, manifesting in jarring fits.

I look forward to seeing what else comes of it. I’m having fun staying true to my pledges (cutting back on caffeine being the toughest pledge to uphold!) and seeing my life transformed bit by bit.


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What an inspirational post. I resonate with what he said about his magic being initially fragmented. I am the same way as I have never really studied sorcery or magic but mainly focused on Internal Work.

One of my recent goals is to become an active and masterful creator In my life and to coordinate my creation in harmony with my purpose/will. Thanks for sharing this report, really inspirational stuff. 🙂


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