Extreme Makeover: Palmisty Edition

One of things that I always harp on are people in that get divination’s, and don’t do anything to change the outcome. They just accept the news as immutable truth and move on. In most cases, not only is there no attempt to change “fate”, but no attempt to prepare for it either. Just a reading that you can look back on and say “so that’s what that meant”. This is not such a problem in the east. Every time I have ever gotten a reading from a Lama, they have suggested pujas or amulets to change or improve on what they saw.

As you may or may not know, palmistry is huge in Asia, especially Japan. There is even a great Iphone App for it. Today in my news feed I read a story about people in Japan getting palm surgery surgery to change their fate lines!

I can almost hear some of you snickering at this. But there are a few things I would like you to take away from this:

1. TAKE MAGIC SERIOUSLY: Even among magicians I sometimes find people not taking their magic very seriously. It works better if you take it seriously. Not humorlessly or gravely, but seriously. These folks are willing to invest time and money into an operation – they take it seriously and I bet it is reflected in their results.

2. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FATE: You have the power to influence fate. That is what magic is all about. If everything is decided for you, than there really is no point to anything we do, yet all the time I talk to Magicians and Witches that treat fate as immutable force.

3. MATERIAL ACTIONS ARE IMPORTANT: Doing things in the real world is an important part of magic. Speaking spells aloud rather than in your head yields better results. Doing physical actions earths your magic in ways that astral only and spiritual only, types of magic just don’t do as well. These folks didnt just visualize different lines, they got surgery to change them.

Now, I am not suggesting that we get surgery to change our palm lines, but I am not suggesting you don’t either.

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I had just commented that with an old friend of mine that is probably the greatest Portuguese ( and I dare say European) expert in Palmistry – Maria Simão. She was a bit shocked that the Japanese would go so far as to have surgery to change the lines, but all her working life she has told people that lines change, and that by being forewarned, people can change their actions, their lines, and their fate.

ConjureMan Ali

How interesting! I always tell clients, reading is like diagnosis, it should be followed by magical treatment to change fate. Of course a reading can also tell you if you’re wasting your time on something so you avoid all that effort.

Toru Okada

My left hand Palm lines have changed after I consulted a Bokono of Benin, who is a master of the FA Tradition, who reads the destiny For them fate can be modified by certain rituals.
Some time later, I was amazed that my life line had changed in my left hand.

Morgan Eckstein

I live in an area where one of the quickest ways to draw police attention to your fortune telling is to suggest magical assistance to change the outcome of the reading. Yes, I am deep in an area that is full of anti-“gypsy” laws. Therefore, most of the fortune tellers in my area would never dream of suggesting the use of magic to change an outcome simply because they do not want to be suspected of fraud.


    That is a very good point Morgan! But one thing that I try to get people to keep in mind is that the concerns and parameters of a professional reader for a client that they have never met is very different than when someone gets a reading from a friend or colleague.

    In the former case you have to watch out for even having the appearance of fraud. You also have to confine your answer to what the divination brings rather than incorporate outside info.


An excellent post.

Lonnie Scott

That is pretty extreme. However, I do agree that action must be taken. There’s no reason to just sit there and take the Universe’s punches on the chin. Get up and do something about it.

My own Tarot practice improved a million fold when I hooked up with Marcus Katz. Something he really pounds into your head is to use Tarot to engage life, not escape it. My Tarot readings always include an action that can be taken.

Good post!


    I have heard good things about his book Tarosophy. Thanks for the recommendation. I may just grab a copy.

      Lonnie Scott

      Christopher, that’s an excellent book! All of his books with Tali Goodwin are great. I’m a bit biased. I’m a Social Media Manager for Tarosophy Tarot Professional Associations. Disclaimer aside, I ended up with that position AFTER training with them. We have a free Facebook group as well that is pretty active. Enjoy your journey!


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