Sorcery of Hekate: Gradual and Precise Building

A student produced this image for me of how she conceives of Sorcery of Hekate in her practice. I love it. It speaks to the kind of precision that the course is training people with. Charli Cohen mentioned once that the course is an amplifier you can plig into to: “it’s a machine that takes gradual and precise building, which Jason guides you through step by step”.  

I use the term machine quite a lot in the course, but not because there is any kind of literal machines or psionic devices involved. I use it because we don’t just call upon Hekate before you, we call upon numerous spirits that take up places around you both. Each of these spirits, including you, has a specific role to play in generating specific results.

I love to get people thinking more mechanistically about magic.Rather than interpret success or failure in terms of whether a deity is pleased with us or not, or if we have enough faith or not, we should look at the various parts and functions of our rites and ask ourselves if something should be changed in our sorcerous machinery, or perhaps that we should be applying it differently.

There is more to it of course, and this is where the mystery schools and magical tradition part comes in, but as I said, its a training, not something that you can read in a book.

If you think you might be up for something like this, good news: WE START MONDAY. 

Sign up now, to start on July 12th 2021