St Cyprian Pre-Post

Among occultists St Cyprian has become more popular than Ed Sheeran, so most of you probably already know that tomorrow begins the “Days of the Cyprians” – the 9 days leading up to Sept 26th, the feast of our beloved Martyr Mage. The image above is of a St Cyprian medal that I wear pretty much all the time. It was a gift from a student who got it at San Cayetano Church near a Sorcerers market in Buenos Aires.

Earlier this week I received a request from a guy for targeted love magic on a girl who was not showing interest. I declined and explained that I don’t work in that field. This guy, we will call him Tom replied:

TOM: “That’s strange because you are a devotee of St Cyprian, and that is in his book”.

ME: Yeah…. you know that he became a Christian specifically because Justina was able to rebuke his magic with just the sign of the cross right?

TOM: Yeah, thats the story, but the love magic I want you to do is IN the Book of St Cyprian…

ME: The thing with the Toad?

TOM: Yeah.

ME: uhhh, you want me to sew a toads eyes shut without damaging the eyes….

TOM: Yeah.

ME: Now do you think Cyprian tried this spell before of after he became a Christian? Because that seems like kind of a big bug in the code to not have worked out. Kind of a hassle if you go through all that trouble just to have the spell reversed by the sign of the cross…

TOM: Look are you are you willing to do this or not?

ME: As I said, NO.

I don’t really have a point to telling the tale, just illustrating that there is a lot for people to sort out if you are going for targeted love magic to the guy who is perhaps the biggest epic fail at that type of love magic in history. Yet, it is still in the book and there are people who turn to him for that. Does Cyprians Christianity make his magic immune now to Christian dispelling? It’s worth a ponder…

So, tomorrow is the first day of the Cyprian Novena and it falls on a Sunday. This is a good opportunity to start your Novena and exploring the view of the Sorcerer Saint by doing what perhaps for you is old hat, but will be for some of you and almost unthinkable step: going to church.

If you want to make it into a purely Sorcerous affair, go ahead and palm that host instead of eating it, so that you can use it in your spells – better than lightning struck wood, I tell ya!

But otherwise, go ahead and go, and listen and be open. I will be posting regularly through the period on the powers of Cyprian leading up to the big day….

In the meantime here are some posts from Strategic Sorcery Past…


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