Stop Running In Place: The Difference Between Training and Reading

When I was learning magic the looseness and do-it-yourself-ness of it all was at once the best yet most frustrating aspect of the undertaking. Having the freedom to pursue whatever I wanted, and experiment wildly taught me a lot. But when I got involved in Tantra, I realized that having a precisely laid out system where every step builds upon the last, a community of people who achieved the results promised, and access to a teacher who can answer any questions was key for the next stage of my development. I would then go on and alternate between periods of free experimentation again, but a training where nothing was left vague and open was key to unlocking the potential of that freedom.  As Pagans, Witches, and Magicians we have an abundance of books we can read, but not as many opportunities to train in a style that has real structure with definitive steps laid out. If you are like me, this only gets you so far. One new thing, leads to the next new thing, and then the next, because there is no structure to take you DEEPER into anything.

When Hekate started to transmit teachings to me, she told me it could not be a book – it had to be a training akin to martial arts or tantra where nothing is left to a vague answers of “whatever feels right”, yet still open enough so that people can apply their training to whatever life throws at them: be it spiritual or material. I envisioned a system where students would learn a specific piece of a ritual, practice it for a week, get their questions answered so they could correct what they were doing, then practice another week so that they would be ready for the next piece of training. A training that would be meaningless if they had not done the work of the prior lessons. Of course, not everyone works at the same pace so there would need to be periods where people could catch up, as well as the opportunity to re-take it for free and perfect what they had learned.

Sorcery of Hekate is the result. When I asked students last week what made the course different and worthwhile, a student created the graphic above to show how the material helped her use, not just the course material, but all the magic she learned better.

The Sorcery of Hekate Training costs $25 a week and about 10-30 minutes of your time every day.  Classes start in just two weeks, so register today.

$100 a month for 7 months

Billed once per month, 7 times

$25 a week for 28 weeks

Billed once per week, 28 times

$700 one time payment

More answers to the question: What made this course different? 

Charli Cohen: The fact that whilst it is a very prescriptive and involved system – more-so than anything else I’ve done – it’s still possible to integrate the rest of my (somewhat eclectic) practice into it.

Janet Royka: It gave me magickal discipline due to the structure of the course, as it’s laid out. More consistent, targeted results with spells. A deeper understanding of spiritual cosmos. Was in awe after s working with the fates. It’s a course that’s really off the charts.

Geoffrey Wendel: I would say the ability to listen to the classes as much as needed or when needed. It was very helpful to have that ability to mix listening lessons when you wanted to hear relationships, if this makes sense. (The threads of connection really pop out when you start listening again and follow the verbal threads.)

Robert Alan Hager:  A genuine internal consistency. Clear direction. There was very little to no “well study this more and you will understand later.

Jennifer Larlee Larochelle: It’s training, not book learning

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