You may not know this, but I spent a good part of my mis-spent youth at a club called City Gardens in Trenton. This club is a serious piece of Punk/Alternative history. Plus Jon Stewart used to tend bar there!

My friend Amy Wuelfing, co-wrote a book about it and has raised over $13,000 to get it published properly. She has only 44 hours left to raise the remaining 5k.

That is where YOU come in.


If you go to the kickstarter page and donate at the 50 dollar level, I will reduce the price of the Strategic Sorcery Course by $50. Just send a screenshot of the donation confirmation to inominandum@gmail.com with the words STRATEGIC SLAM DANCING in the subject line.

So for 150 bucks you get a year of Sorcery Lessons AND a paperback copy of “No Slam Dancing, No Stage Diving, No Spikes: Am Oral History”.

Offer expires Friday July 26th at 7am Eastern Time.

If you have no interest in the course, or are already a member but have a love of Punk and Alternative Music, I urge you to go drop some cash anyway. It is going to be a great book.

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Punk Rock Don

That seems like a lot of money to get a proper “punk” book published. Maybe she should go print-on-demand. Or perhaps send the manuscript out to the folks at Feral House. They like stuff like that. Anyway, these histories need to be preserved. …Yet back in the day punk publishing used to mean a Xerox machine.

Better make them Tailsman’s boy!


    She made the goal!

    It is actually not a lot of money if you are looking to do a proper book that has wide distribution AND that you won’t loose money on. DIY publishers are vanity presses and that is exactly what they are good for: you simply want to see your name on a book and you don’t care if you end up paying money to do it. Feral House is great, but not exactly what they were looking for.

    Personally I can’t think of anything more punk than getting a bunch of like minded people to chip in and giving them books in exchange. Totally grass-roots and removes any business interest from making bank off it other than the authors.


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