Strategic Sorcery Covid-19 Response

I posted a video to Youtube yesterday , but not everyone wants to watch me prattle on for a half hour, and not everyone takes in information best that way. Here is a write-up of the main points I wanted to cover:


  1. Nothing in this statement is meant to sell anything.
  2. Any magical actions recommended are to work WITH mundane actions like washing hands and social distancing.The ENTIRE SPARK THAT LIT STRATEGIC SORCERY is the union and interplay between magical and non magical methods. This is more important now than ever.

There are five main points that I want to cover.


We live in the most information rich time in history. The task of the Strategic Sorcerer in this case is not so much to hunt down new info as it is to separate signal from noise and manage the impact of information in your life.

1. Decide the sources you trust like the WHO, CDC, and solid News Outlets and listen to them.  The “Scientist” that your facebook friend had dinner with and is passing on a long list of recommendations is NOT solid. They probably don’t even exist. There are still people who have an interest in sewing Chaos pushing a narrative of paranoia. There are people with financial interests pushing a narrative that this is all overblown. Be wary of anything that feeds your inclination for dismissal or anxiety.

2. Once you know who to take information from, take it in measured doses. I recommend checking in three times a day. You will be well informed and not drive yourself into the information paralysis.

3. Meditate. It excercises two important mental muscles: the ability to recognize when you are distracted or off-track, and the ability to release yourself from that and take control over habits and involuntary reactions.


Again, NO Sorcery, Magic, or Witchcraft should REPLACE Mundane steps like Social Distancing, and Hand Washing.

When it comes to magic, go to the traditions and spirits you have relationships with already. If you work with Hekate regularly, and have no exposure to Tibetan Buddhism, chanting the mantra of White Tara is not necessarily your best best option. There IS an angle to deal with this from almost any tradition or diety.

Powers that I work with.

Pagan: Hekate and Helios, Jupiter and Juno. Obviously I work with a very specific system of Hekatean Magic. That said, the Global Rite is widely disseminated and presents an easy and effective framework for working with Hekate. Let her guide you safely though this time, and keep adversity at bay. Let Helios burn away plague and shine light solutions. Let Jupiter and Juno together care for you and your community as they cared for Rome. Shining health and well-being are their purview just as much as monetary wealth.

Recently Matthew Brownlee and I worked with Jupiter and Juno to reify a group of interlocking seals called the Fires of Fortune. The seals for Fortune and Bodily Health are at the top this page. Inscribe them on parchment or wood and wear around your neck.

Christian: The Fourteen Holy Helpers, The Three Virgins , as well as St Cyprian and St Justina

The Fourteen Holy Helpers were sought after during the black plague and there are many novenas to them as a group or individually.

The three Virgins: St Barbara, St Catherine, and St Margaret work together well.

Embolden us, O God, with the stories of thy saints Catherine, Barbara, and Margaret,
that we might face all trials and adversities with a fearless mind and an unbroken spirit,
Oh Saint Catherine, shatter the wheel of disease and misfortune with your touch.
Oh Saint Barbara, isolate us from the storm in our own towers, and liberate us when the time is right. 
Of Saint Margaret, act as our medicine and destroy the dragon of plague from within. 
Through the name Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. “

And of course, St Cyprian and St Justina have no shortage of prayers and rituals for healing associated with them. This was passed to me years ago by a friend.

“In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of Saints Cyprian and Justina, in Christ Jesus. Answer the resolve of my devotion with success in all that I do. Make level the path before me and clear every obstacle in my way. I ask that you be my protector. I ask that you be my mentor. I ask that you be my master by virtue of the grace bestowed upon you by God omnipotent. I bare my heart to you and place all worry and care into your holy hands. Free me from all evil. Smite those who would do me harm. Draw a circle of protection around me and those whom I love. In the night be my lantern and my solace. In the daylight be my guide and my protector. Shield me from all baleful influence. I ask you this through God in Christ. Amen.”

Demonic: Those who are deeply invested in either the Christian or Satanic side of things will find it odd to call on the powers of hell after talking about the powers of heaven. But demonic influence can be very effective in healing and disease prevention. I have found healing through Lucifers light and Satans fire myself. That said two Lion Demons come to mind as useful during these times: Marbas, and Buer.  Both can cause and heal disease. Conjuring them or petitioning them can be most effective for dealing with disease.
Image result for seal of buer

Tibetan: Sidpe Gyalmo, White Tara, Sitapatra are who I turn to the most. At this time I am focusing my efforts on Sidpe Gyalmo, a Bon Goddess that I have a particular connection with. With her flaming sword she routs out obstacles to health and with her medicine vase she cultivates long life. Her mantra
OM ABHIYA NAG PO BAD SOD SOHA has proved more effective for me than any other healing mantra I have tried. Not only can you pray to her and speak her mantra, but you can recite it 1000 or 10,000 times over a container of brewed tea (safer than the traditional healing water formula which contains both Arsenic and Aconite) and bathe in it for healing.

You can also soak a flag in the healing waters and paint a flaming sword with her mantra on it in Dakini Script (code for “don’t even try to translate this”) , and hoist it on a pole. It is said it will protect a radius of about 2 miles. Be warned: only hoist a single flag or it will cause other types of obstacles for local spirits, livestock, etc. You can also take the flag and roll it into a knotted neck cord.



What do you do if you get the disease? Contact a doctor. Get tested if you can. Quarantine. etc. Follow all medical advice and treatments. I cannot stress this enough. One reason i do not typically post teachings on healing practices is that I have seen people bend over backwards taking on dozens of “alternative” treatments and spending thousands upon thousands of dollars, in an effort to avoid visiting their doctor. Please, do not use magic INSTEAD of standard medicine.

That said the powers you rely upon for protection are also those powers who can help with healing. Of course if you are sick you are less likely to be able to perfiirm effective magic for yourself. This is where community can come in, either with ritual healing or with energy healing.

I am only going to post one strategic point here: it may be tempting to try to heal widely. Practices like Tonglen where you take in negativity and suffering from all beings, or “world healing”, or state and country wide efforts can have amazing benefits to the people doing the work. It expands ones view, it expands ones compassion, it can inrease the amount of “energy” one can channel, and from a Buddhist perspective it builds merit. It does fuck-all for people actually suffering though. Focus on a person in need and actually help them. At widest focus on the people in a small community. You can get back spraying healing vibes all over the world when the person in front of you isn’t sick.


This is already impacting me financially, and I am sure its impacting you financially. I will put together some things in the near future to address this more fully. For the moment, I just have the following bullet points:

  • Health comes before money. Keep the focus where it belongs.
  • Leave the Stocks and Bonds alone. What happens is gonna happen. If you know what you are doing and are comfortable buying in when the SPX hits a low then go for it. For the rest of us, just turn away. You are hopefully in for the long game. Don’t freak.
  • If your business is interrupted, take a short break to enjoy friends and family. Commiserate with others in the same situation, it is comforting to know you are not alone. After a week, get back to your desk and look at how you can tighten up your processes and be ready to bounce back better than you were when things open up again.
  • If you are looking to supplement your lost income right now, please don’t be a predator. If you can figure out a way to be of genuine service to people than do it! That is always my #1 advice to people who want to make more money – be of service. This means real service though. Not hoarding hand-sanitizer and selling it at markup, or hawking your Multi-Level-Marketing BS.
  • If you are not financially impacted by this, now would be a good time to order things online from brick-and-mortar stores you would visit. Now is a good time to buy gift cards to provide extra liquidity to businesses you want to be there in two to three months.


Take care of yourself first or you will be no help to anyone. Next comes your family and friends. Make arrangements for what to do if you get sick, but your kids don’t. Reach out to single parents especially. Reach out to the elderly or the compromised and go shopping for them so they don’t have to risk exposure. Offer healing and protection for people you know. Just don’t burn yourself out.

Watch this space for more Strategic Sorcery Response.