Strategic Sorcery Students Speak.

Courses - SSC - featured2There are just 12 days left until the Hekate Global Rite, one of the best times to start the Strategic Sorcery Course. I like to post some testimonials and field reports from students at these times but because of the nature of the Occult, most people cannot put their names to them. I usually don’t even ask that they do.

But yesterday I did.

Here are five statements from Students given yesterday about Strategic Sorcery and the impact on their lives.

“What Jason has given me through the teaching of the Strategic Sorcery can be summed up in one word: RESULTS. The course takes a different approach to magic that puts you in direct contact with the Powers that make magic possible and teaches you in plain English how to forge those fundamental relationships.

One of the biggest take aways for me is the “work smarter, not harder” methodology that has really put a whole new spin on what has been a 15+ year practice. Seriously! My practice now has become more geared towards creating and maintaining powerful relationships through offerings while engaging in regular exercises that keep me energetically and spiritually fit.” 

– Silver Daniels

Strategic Sorcery is a transformative experience. Not only for the lessons themselves, but also being part of the collective energy of the group. While taking this course I got a “wake-up call” on many different fronts simultaneously. My job, family relationships, friendships pets, clothing and hobbies and habits all changed dramatically in the span of 2 years. All were “upgraded”, but believe me, it was a difficult transition requiring a lot of work on my part. I am still sorting things out, not everything is resolved, but overall I see that this new arrangement is for the better not only for me personally, but also for others in my life. I have been challenged, have risen to the occasion, have learned so much and continue to learn and grow. Additionally, my side business has grown so dramatically that I may eventually be able to retire from my “day job” to do it full time. I enjoy the course and I get a lot of inspiration from it which has very practical applications. I highly recommend it! 

-Katherine Moss

“I used some of the financial lessons in Strategic Sorcery to manage and budget for the expenses associated with my romantic partner’s child going off to college. Instead of having 18 years to plan and prepare — I had less than five. I used Strategic Sorcery’s lessons to find a new job, to learn new skills, to work wonders in my new job, to get bonuses for quality employment, and to understand the laws and financial position of my child. I also used sorcery to help me establish and keep good boundaries between child, mother, and me; so that I would be in a good position to assist when the time came. Which it did. I’m pleased to say that in part through mundane lessons, and partly through magical practice, the kid graduated from college — on time, with less than a single college year’s worth of debt, and job-ready — and was able to move out to a new job in a worthwhile career that they chose. The strategic sorcery course not only helped me manage the financial aspects, it helped me change my entire approach to magic as a sorcery+mundane action process: and that, more than anything else, led to the success of this operation.”

-Andrew Watt

“Coming up on one year of Strategic Sorcery, and the results have been incredible. Here’s one example. After apply for dozens of gigs on a freelance site with no response, I did a spell using Strategic Sorcery techniques. The next day I was contacted by a company with an offer to apply for freelance work. I applied, negotiated a contact and ended up making about half my regular job’s monthly salary for less than a week of work. Strategic Sorcery works.”

-John Umbras

“Learning from Jason is like being let in a secret door, part in the east and part in the west, immense wonder as you walk every deeper into the logos. Everything about my life has become responsive to my desires since crossing this threshold. For example, it became possible to build our dream home after financial workings sent our portfolio soaring and raises came in; then in one single day of physically looking for land, we found the perfect location of affordable green hills, ocean view, and bluebirds flying about just to top it off for a laugh at how impossible it was. I now feel I am conducting the great symphony of my life, beckoning the winds to blow louder or softer, the brass to bellow or whisper, all responding to my hand like….magic. Thank you Jason.”

– Kat Caric

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