The Magic Of Gravitas 

Note: This post started as a description of my Sorcery of Hekate Course, but I think it has a wider point, so its going up as a post. I say this because I don’t like it when advertising disguises itself as articles, so I am letting you know up front. 

As we get closer to another cycle of Sorcery of Hekate, I have been thinking a lot about how  to best articulate the benefits of this kind of deep training and immersion. The word I came to this morning is GRAVITAS.

Anyone who can follow a recipe can do a spell. Anyone who can follow instructions can perform a ceremony. In the past I have said that the reason to take a course with a teacher who answers questions is for learning something complex and beautiful to the level that you have an understanding of what to do, why you do it, and when to use which facets of the practice.

All that is true, and it is the benefit of training, but there something MORE. Something best described as Gravitas. 

By engaging the work day after day, you become a center of gravity. You are not separate from the universe, but you become a point of concentration, of gravity, where things begin to flow to you and around you naturally. This isn’t bestowed on you by the grace of the Goddess, it is something you develop through your own effort and interaction. Once developed, it must be maintained and cultivated. Those that rest on their laurels and think “I’ve done my work and am solid now” often find themselves backsliding without even noticing.

I think most of you know the main mantra we use with Hekate: IO HEKA IO HO. It’s worth noting that its Heka, not Hekate, we are chanting, meditating on, and deploying in our spells. Its not there to say “oh you great Goddess we worship you!” its a directed at us. Heka means to go beyond. We are saying “Oh you Great Goddess we aim to become as you are, and are working at it”.

Students that do this work for months and years start to notice things flowing to them and around them naturally, They wind up needing to rely on spells less and less because after fixing things that are glaringly wrong, most things start to just work out. This is the magic of Gravitas.

Sorcery of Hekate is not the only way to develop this, but it is a good one.

We start on July 18th