The NEW Take Back Your Mind! Starting March 27th!


“ Anything BUT your run-of-the-mill Yoga/Buddhist/New Age meditation class…after the first two weeks, I could maintain focus longer. After a month, I felt a sharp clarity in my thinking. And after three months, these practices magnified my efforts to reduce anxiety. This isn’t just a course on meditation. It’s a toolbox for a meaningful life. Or maybe a toybox. Seriously. Take this course.”
-D.K.   Take Back Your Mind 2016

That is the kind of thing that people said about the old Take Back Your Mind Course, but going through it myself recently I realized that it was a bit bloated in places with long-winded explanations and some overly-complex methods. I wanted a TBYM that cut right to the heart of what we are trying to achieve: Sharp, Mindful, Self-Possession fit for an active and worldly life. So I decided to re-do it from the ground up.

A Leaner, More Effective Take Back Your Mind

This course is different than most mindfulness programs. Most teachings on meditation talk about finding calm and peace. Calm and peace are important, but they are a side effect, not the goal. The goal is to take back what has been stolen from you: your attention span, your self-possession, your command.

Some meditation teachers make it sound like they want you to be dead from the neck down, I want you to be fully alive. Fully transcendent and fully engaged with the world at the same time. The goal of this class is not just to keep your clarity and calm, but to increase your sharpness and edge.If we are going to Take Back Our Minds wile still maintaining a fully engaged life filled with work, family, friends, success, adventure, and joy, we need a program designed with that life in mind – not an approach based on the lives monks or contemplatives that treat ordinary life as an obstacle. This program treats your ordinary life as a platform for mindfulness, not a barrier to it.

What’s Different

The new course has the lessons broken up into shorter length recordings – each week you will get two or three audio files that are roughly 20 minutes in length – perfect for session on the cushion or the treadmill. By cutting away the methods meant to generate mystical experiences, and adding techniques that can be employed throughout you day, we keep squarely focused on the point of presence, attention, and self-possession. There are also fewer lessons, so the course costs less than it did in the past.

The New Lesson Break Down

Week 1:  SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP – Learning to sit breathe and focus the mind on the cushion. The cornerstone of your practice
a. Sit
b. Breathe
c. Focus

Week 2 . PAY ATTENTION DAMMIT! – How to carry mindfulness from the cushion to your life by strategic attention.
a. Mindful Moments
b. Between Breaths
c. Material Foci

Week 3. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU – Cutting through the separation of self and other
a. Outrospection
b. Managing your Environment
c. Other People Matter

Week 4. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR… –Real talk about distractions, discipline, and tactics for staying on the path
a. Idle Time/Vital Time
b. Sticky Distractions
c. Persistence

Week 5. GROW A SPINE – Mental Clarity is nothing if it is not reflected in your actions.
a. Cultivating Willpower
b. Facing and Desire
c. Sharpness

Week 6. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! – Tools for Self-Possession, Conscious living, and putting down your fucking phone.
a. Information Diet
b. Conscious Content Consumption
c. Heuristic Awareness

Week 7. SHIT HAPPENS Dealing fear, baggage, and bullshit.
a. Making Space for Demons
b. Breath and Nerves
c. Perceverance

Week 8. OMG WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!  – No, seriously. We all are in fact going to die, and bad things are going to happen. That has to be part of your practice.
a. Making Peace With Death
b. Using Impermenance as Motivation
c. Premeditatio Malorum

Week 9. JUST LET GO – Moving beyond method.
a. Contemplation vs Meditation
b. Sky Gazing
c. Resting in Awareness

How to Join In

Have you already taken the old Take Back Your Mind course? If so, good news, you get this new one for FREE. I want you to enjoy the course at it’s best.

If you haven’t Taken Back Your Mind, then now is the time. Just sign up between before March 27th and you can get in on the initial cycle.


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