Three Days Till the New Cycle of Strategic Sorcery and the Global Hekate Rite

Halloween 2014Just a reminder that there are only three days left until the start of Strategic Sorcery Cycle 19 and the Global Hekate Rite on October 31st.

Its $150 for 52 weeks of lessons, lifelong membership in the Strategic Sorcery community.

To sign up, just click the paypal link below or write me at
for more info.


This is a recent testimonial from one of my students.

“I am someone who has dabbled in the occult arts with no solid ground to walk on. I have known people before who claimed much but offered little in return. I can say without a doubt that Jason Miller’s course and additional items of work and knowledge have left me a much more successful and accomplished worker in the occult. The basics and foundation have given me an increased base from which to work in and improve my own form. I have had incredible results from his planetary work especially. A client of mine was helped immensely due to a talisman created with Jason Miller’s “advanced planetary” magic book along with additional material from his strategic sorcery course. The client with a wooden solar talisman carrying the sigil of the sun received 17,000 dollars from a sale of two vehicles the same day and a reimbursement check from a company that owed her. I cannot begin to thank him for the changes he has caused in me and others”

Here is the full list of lessons:

Lesson List

1. Meditation Part 1
2. Subtle Bodies and Channels
3. Zone Rites
4. Thought management
5. Offerings
6. Offerings 2
7. Subtle Body Power Centers
8. Prayer
9. The Elements
10. The Elements Part 2
11. The Planets
12. The Planets Part 2
13. Azoth
14. Materia Magica
15. Materia 2
16. Materia 3
17. Amulets and Talismans
18. Tools
19. Magic of Place
20. Dream Sorcery
21. The Planes
22. Astrral Projection
23. Astral Mechanics
24. Artificial Spirits
25. Spirits of Place
26. Necromancy
27. Necromancy 2
28. Grimoire Spirits
29. Grimoire Spirits 2
30. Grimoire Spirits 3
31. SS Mini Grimoire
32. Spirit Houses
33. Meditation 2
34. 10 Principals of Strategic Sorcery
35. Set Point and how to Move it
36. Tactical Timing
37. Will and Willpower
38. Intelligence Gathering
39. Information Sorcery
40. Persona and Influence Work
41. Time Management
42. Strategic Sorcery Group Work
43. Healing
44. Attack Magick
45. Causal Level Magick
46. Financial Sorcery 1
47. Financial Sorcery 2
48. Financial Sorcery 3
49. Working for others
50. Sex Magic
51. Advancing the art of Magic
52. The Strategic Sorcerer