Why a Sorceress or Sorcerer should own a Business

I was talking with someone who read the Four Hour Work Week around the same time I did. That book prompted me to start my own business, but it prompted him to get a job in a field where he could telecommute. He was inspired by the story of the guy who did his job from China without them even knowing.

He just lost his job to someone in…. China.

Ok, that would be too perfect, it was actually the Philippines, but the point is the same. It has never been easier to lose your job. This used to be a concern of only factory workers, but its even easier for a white collar worker to lose their job – the company doesn’t need to open a factory, they just need to download skype. If you can work from home, someone in the Philippines work from their home for a whole lot less.

That said owning your own business is not for everyone, and I am not going to sell you on it as the ticket to freedom and all that other shit people say. I will simply say that:
1. Your Education has never been valued less than it is today.
2. Most Jobs are easily outsourced and this is a trend that I do not see revering.
3. It has never been cheaper, easier, or safer to own your own business.

The economy is such that at this point I can say with confidence that if you think you might want to own a business, then you should. Period.

I am launching a new business course  at the start of the year. It will be VERY different than the last one I did and has been placed under the directorship of Mercury. The lessons will all be audio files under 20 minutes in length so that they can be listened to in between work sessions, on the treadmill, or on your drive in to the office.

It is open to entrepreneurs and anyone that wants to be one. There will be two to three 20 minute recordings released every week for 3 months, and I will be answering questions directly inthe group for speed.

I will be running a New Year promotion for those who are interested in the class early. If you are interested in this pop your name on the list here. I will be sending an e-mail with class details and a special deal on December 8th. http://eepurl.com/daIXx1



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