Why Coloring is NOT the New Meditation.

If you have been to a bookstore in the last few months you have undoubtedly come across a table or endcap filled with coloring books for adults. Chances are you have already seen an article or two about the mental benefits of coloring and how it is starting to be thought of as the “New Meditation”.

I have stressed the importance of meditation from the very first moment that I started teaching. Since that time, I have had students suggest no end of alternatives to meditation.

“I don’t need to meditate because I get to that place by doing…..” Tai Chi, playing baseball, invoking angels, dancing, smoking weed, knitting, , talking with demons, running, playing spirograph, etc, etc. Now it is coloring.

Here’s the thing. I think all these things are GREAT. I actually love coloring and I get that it is relaxing, can create a state of flow, occupies the body and conscious mind while freeing the subconscious. It is a good thing. It is not however meditation.

Meditation does all these things as a side effect too, but the main point of meditation is to know your own mind. It does this by confronting that mind with the mind.

Here is a scenario: Imagine that your boss or petty tyrant of choice is screaming at you unjustly. They are trying to get under your skin, and if you give in and start yelling back it will just make the situation worse. Do you tell him to hold on while you color? Do you start silk reeling?

You CAN meditate.

You CAN recognize distraction and free yourself from it.

You CAN focus the mind on a chosen course,

You CAN control the breath.

By all means, color. But it’s not a substitute for meditation.

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