Hekate Global Rite Oct 31-Nov2 – Strategic Sorcery Course


On Halloween 2009 I started the first cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course, and since then over 1450 people have taken the course and benefited from an approach to magic that makes real and lasting changes in their lives.

In the course there are 5 major global rites we do every year, but the Halloween Rite is always special to me. In these rites you will join hundreds of people all over the world doing the same ritual over a three day window, with effects aimed at catalyzing wisdom and power for all who celebrate it. It has opened the roads for many Sorceresses or Sorcerers. It is also a great lead in to the Hekate-Helios New Years Rite and the Helios Rite in February.

Of course to participate, you have to be in the course…


When you sign up you get:

    • 52 Lessons of the best training in practical magic available on the net.
    • Admittance into the secret Strategic Sorcery Group where people post field reports, learn from each others successes and failures, and generally treat each other with a mixture of respect and honesty that is rare to find online.
    • Ability to participate in the Strategic Sorcery Global Rites – join with hundreds of people five times a year in rituals designed to catalyst your power, wealth, and wisdom.
    • The opportunity to take part in ARCANE AUDIO trainings – webinars on advanced magic that are open only to students of the course.


Click here for more info on the course  or just sign up with the link below.


I treasure any feedback about the course, but I place extra value on students who already  have years and years of experience. I received this letter from a student who has been practicing magic for almost fifty years:

“I first became interested in the Occult around 1965 (I was in my early teens). Over the years I have belonged to a couple of occult fraternal organizations, read dozens of books, and performed some very dramatic attempts at ritual magic (with a little witchcraft, from time-to-time).  My results were less than spectacular.

For the past year I have been working slowly and carefully through the Strategic Sorcery course, and have only applied the most elementary material.  However, I have learned more, and had more tangible, verifiable results (financial magic, specifically) from Jason Miller in the past year, than I gained from anything I’ve previously attempted.  His instruction in the art of proper meditation is worth the price of the course all by itself.

I have paid more, and gotten less many times.  Thank you Jason!”