I Want You For The Strategic Sorcery Course


Only a few more days until the Global Hekate Rite begins. Over 1400 people have taken the course and while I have no way of knowing for sure how many will participate (its not compulsory) it is well into the hundreds.


Hundreds of people joining their voices together and connecting to a Goddess of Sorcery and Witchcraft, asking that she bestow wisdom and the power to act upon it. You can do this, than immediately begin a course of study that has improved the lives and deepened the magic of people all over the world.

“I found Jason Miller through his book Protection And Reversal Magick, which helped me out of a jam. Later, I joined his course, Strategic Sorcery and I have found it to be incredibly useful on multiple levels. I’m a professional myself and Jason is among a small handful of people that I look to as authorities in this field. I learn from him, all the time. You pay for the course only once, at a very reasonable fee and you get continued returns from the online Strategic Sorcery forum, pretty much every day by people asking interesting questions and offering incredibly helpful responses.
–Trent Boswell
Proprietor of http://conjurework.com/

“I am only 8 weeks in, but the Strategic Sorcery course has already led to many new insights, filled several gaps and refreshed old knowledge. I feel like I am finally getting a coherent foundation after many years of haphazard informal practice. Jason Miller lays out the path with clarity and it is obvious that what he shares is a solid, well-researched and efficient approach to the practices and techniques that are included in the course. There is a width, depth and focus here that speaks volumes of Jason’s background and experience.

The group forum is a gold mine and I think the word that best sums up my experience of the course this far is generosity. You obviously need to do the work yourself, but with the setup and format of the course, this is not a problem. You will run in to things that are challenging, but for me this has only improved my understanding of myself and consequently also how I can use what I learn to transform life in the direction I desire.”
– PS

“Strategic Sorcery is a transformative experience. Not only for the lessons themselves, but also being part of the collective energy of the group. While taking this course I got a “wake-up call” on many different fronts simultaneously. My job, family relationships, friendships pets, clothing and hobbies and habits all changed dramatically in the span of 2 years. All were “upgraded”, but believe me, it was a difficult transition requiring a lot of work on my part. I am still sorting things out, not everything is resolved, but overall I see that this new arrangement is for the better not only for me personally, but also for others in my life. I have been challenged, have risen to the occasion, have learned so much and continue to learn and grow. Additionally, my side business has grown so dramatically that I may eventually be able to retire from my “day job” to do it full time.”
– Katherine Moss
proprietor of www.solidagotarot.com

Want more infomation on the course? Here are all the details…. 

Want more information on the Global Rites? Go here. 

Want to sign up right now? CLICK CLICK CLICK! 

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