Pain and Sorrow

“We are made to bleed and scab and heal and bleed again and turn every scar into a joke. We are made to fight and fuck and talk and fight again and sit around and laugh until we choke.” – Ani Difranco This is a tough world. If you are able to read these words […]

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Strategic Sorcery Course: Temple of Witchcraft Drive

In case you were not yet aware, the Temple of Witchcraft in Salem NH has been trying to raise the money it needs for a parking lot. The Temple has purchased Grandview Manor, a beautiful late 19th-century house with detached barn and cottage and over five acres of land in Salem, NH. To comply with […]

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Come Alive You Lucky Bastards

“People need to be reminded that they began as cum. Not to diminish or cut them down to size – quite the contrary: I tell people they were cum once as a gesture of of my awe at their very existence and to pat’em on the back. There are no losers in this life because […]

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Come Alive You Lucky Bastards!

“People need to be reminded that they began as cum. Not to diminish or cut them down to size – quite the contrary: I tell people they were cum once as a gesture of of my awe at their very existence and to pat’em on the back. There are no losers in this life because […]

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Mars and Saturn

There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about Jupiter. Certainly, I LOVE Jupiter. I made it the focus of my book, I belong to an order dedicated to Jupiter. Jupiter is awesome in the truest sense of the word. That awesomeness can however yield two problems. The first is that […]

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Only 7 Black Hands Left!

Just a note that there are still seven Black Series Financial Hands left. Someone asked me what I meant by “wrathful” in relation to these conjure hands. There are three qualities that play a role here. 1. Wrath is action: It is more active than other types of magic that approach it from a more peaceful perspective. […]

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FINANCIAL HANDS – The Black Series

I have once again created a set of financial hands for sale. These are special conjure bags that are in the grip of gator claws. I have been offering these once a year or so for several years, and they have helped a lot of people draw money, obtain employment, get promoted, start businesses and […]

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An Enchantress spills her secrets

There is no more quintessential power of a witch than that of enchantment, fascination, and glamour. In this book, Deb presents clearly and frankly what it takes to be genuinely spellbinding. While rooted in very old traditions her advice is immanently practical and usable by anyone today. By seamlessly blending spellcraft with the equally ancient […]

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I got this e-mail the other day: “I have been hearing about your course for over a year now but have avoided it because I was turned off by your use of the word Sorcery.  To me this word brings to mind “spell kits” and hokey oils to win the lottery, not the royal road […]

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Saturnus: Don’t Fear the Reaper

Saturn is a heavy force, both literally and figuratively. Its color is black, its metal is lead, it is all about restriction and death and pain right? Well, a little. But as the Dread Pirate Roberts said “life is pain highness, anyone that says differently is selling something”. In the last few months I have run […]

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