
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Micro, Macro, and Meta-Enchantment

Note: This is a post about magic applicable to anyone, but I do mention my upcoming Jupiter Course which is starting soon. I hate reading articles only to realize at the end they are selling something so I thought I should tell you up front 🙂  Do you know people that are clearly good at magic, […]

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Angels and Demons and Humans.

“How can you write prayers to the devil, then turn around and recommend someone pray to St Michael to conquer Satan and the devil. It makes no sense! Which side are you on?” Simply put, I am on humanities side. All over the world there is a dichotomy of spirits that appears. Hot and Cool […]

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When Revelation and Research DON’T Rhyme

I gave a talk a few months ago at the Hekate Symposium by Sorita D’este called “Making Research and Reveralation Rhyme”.  The talk focused on how I hold both spirit revelation (I hate UPG as a term) and academic research in high regard. I keep them separate, yet let them each inform my work. In […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Starts TOMORROW!

The wait is over. Sorcery of Hekate begins tomorrow. ” Far from being a cute little magic course to learn to cast spells and tell gods you love them, it is a tour de force of methodical personal evolution through the refinement of will, a call and a method for maturation into the bad ass witch you always […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Video Deluge….

New Cycle Starts MONDAY If you don’t know already, the course is a Seven Month deep dive into a very specific system of Hekatean Sorcery. A system that shows you clearly what to do and how to do it, answers all your questions on a regular basis, and builds lesson upon lesson over the month […]

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Sorcery of Hekate: Gradual and Precise Building

A student produced this image for me of how she conceives of Sorcery of Hekate in her practice. I love it. It speaks to the kind of precision that the course is training people with. Charli Cohen mentioned once that the course is an amplifier you can plig into to: “it’s a machine that takes gradual […]

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One Week Till Sorcery of Hekate

Can you believe that the next cycle of Sorcery of Hekate starts NEXT MONDAY? Hugo Largeaespada is one of the most inspiring Hekateans I know, and watching is transformation over the years has moved me to be better in everything I do. Here is what he had to say about the Sorcery of Hekate Course. […]

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Mental Illness, Health, and Magic

I am not a doctor, therapist, psychologist, pastoral counselor, or healthcare professional of any kind.  Even if I was, the kind of internet based teaching that I give would be a poor base for me to base diagnoses on. Therefore, I do not comment on matters of mental illness.  Sadly, there are a lot of […]

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What Makes Magic Different?

The question is a bit more complicated than the title lets on, but I have had these thoughts myself from time to time. Maybe you have had them too. Here is Jonathan in his own words: “A lot of the magick we do is basically prayers, whether to gods or spirits, sometimes mantras, like in […]

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Next Step Spirituality

I made up a new term “Next Step Spirituality”.  It sounds pompous right? Like I am saying its the Next step in human spirituality or the next step beyond existing traditions. That’s not it at all. The idea of the “Next Step” is simply an orientation. What is your next step? See, in Buddhism you are guided by […]

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