So the world is grinding to a halt. Focus is on public safety, as it should be. Financial situations are changing rapidly for people all over the world. As a teacher who teaches mainly online, do I carry on as normal? Do I take a break? The answer is: I keep calm, and carry on, […]
Continue readingI posted a video to Youtube yesterday , but not everyone wants to watch me prattle on for a half hour, and not everyone takes in information best that way. Here is a write-up of the main points I wanted to cover: DISCLAIMER Nothing in this statement is meant to sell anything. Any magical actions […]
Continue readingToday I am making my Four Chili Tacos. I make this with regular Chili Powder, Ancho Chili Powder, Silk Chili, and Urfa Chili, as well as other ingredients like Mexican Oregano, Cumin, and so on. The REASON I make Four Chili seasoning is because….wait for it…. I happen to have four different types of Chili […]
Continue readingAmong the folks that took the first cycle of PHURBA: SORCERY OF THE RAZOR NAIL was none other than Christopher Bradford. This is what he had to say: “I’ve never had the opportunity to properly explore any of the sorcerous side of the Buddhist tradition. Through visits to temple with a dear friend of mine and […]
Continue readingGentile Cimitri was a fairly well known healer that was executed in Bologna for Diabolism in 1498. Demonic magic was quite popular in Italy during the Renaissance and we know from church records that many Carmelites and Franciscans were involved in the practice. Carmelites argued that simply engaging in Demonic Magic did not equate to Diabolism itself, […]
Continue reading52 Lessons on practical magic and a global community of supportive practitioners not enough to entice you into joining Strategic Sorcery? How about the opportunity to raise your voice with hundreds of other Sorcerers and Sorceresses making an invocation and offering to Helios, the God of the Sun? He has been very kind on honoring us, […]
Continue readingI was not a Tea Leaf or Coffee Ground reader before. I am now. That’s the highest praise I can give to a book that sets out to teach a technique. It hooked me with the presentation. It drew me in with clear explanation of history, theory, and method. It delivered in terms of enabling […]
Continue readingIn the Strategic Sorcery Deep Dive last week, I went on a rant about how magic doesn’t care if you feel like doing it or not. You should just do it. I got the following feedback from Shay Maloney “Can I just say that Jason link between the psychological model of magic and lack of discipline in the […]
Continue readingDon’t start on New Years. Seriously. It may feel great to link yourself to everyone else starting a new resolution tomorrow, but 80-90% of those people will fail within a week or two. Enormous build up of potential energy that fizzles on execution… Do you want to be linked to that? I dont. So give yourself […]
Continue readingThis was part of my Monday Magic Newsletter, but decided to share it widely today for anyone not signed up. For the last month two books have been rocking my world, The first is the Opuscula Cypriani Variations on the Book of St. Cyprian and Related Literature translated and with commentary by José Leitão, published by Hadean Press. […]
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