
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

The Promise of the Black School Course.

I was asked recently what the “promise” of The Black School course was. The student, wise beyond their years, said “Everything has a promise. If I join this course, what does it promise in return?”. My answer is: “You will know precisely how to do everything in a fairly complex system of magic that involves […]

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Three Short Sorcery of Hekate Video’s

Just one week left before the start of Sorcery of Hekate. This morning I created three short video’s to answer questions about the course and magic in general submitted over the weekend.   Sorcery of Hekate Video 1: Goals and Commitment vs Interest   Video 2: “Why Hekate?” and Time Requirements   Video 3 – […]

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Hail Saint Sara La Kali!

Oh Sara La Kali, Thrice are your mysteries. Pagan Priestess, Servant Saint, Daughter of Christ and Magdalene To you I pray Accept this offering of water from the Ocean you so loved As you saw the three Mary’s in your mind, bless me and my cards with second sight. As your dress calmed the waves […]

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Hekate Protects Women

This post breaks a rule of mine: I never bring any kind of political message into what I write and teach. If you have taken a class with me you know that even the discussion of it is banned in the groups. I am also don’t attempt to teach on women’s mysteries or women’s issues […]

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A Hekate Rite For You.

There is less than 2 weeks before the start of the next cycle of Sorcery of Hekate. For those who haven’t decided yet whether this kind of training is a good fit for them, this short invocation and chant might help give you a sign one way or the other. To be clear: you don’t […]

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