
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Judging Success: Magic and Money

A few days ago Stephanie Connolly Reisner posted a great piece on material success and its relationship to magic. This was followed up by some musings from Harold Roth in the Alchemists Garden. Since my first two posts this week were about money magic I thought I might chime in on this topic as well, […]

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JUST ONE WEEK LEFT BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF CYCLE 16 OF THE STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE. First Lessons will go out on Candlemas/Imbolc – This Sunday, Feb 2nd. Send an E-mail to and request your packet information packet today. In this meantime here is another great Field Report from the New Year Global Hekate Helios […]

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Field Report: Hekate Helios Results

Results are starting to trickle in from the Global Hekate/Helios rite that I ran between New Years Night (January1) and the Perihelion January4). I received some good feedback immediately after the rites in terms of visions people had, strange phenomena that people experienced, energetic impressions and so on, but as you know by now if […]

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I Give Up!

There are several battles about my work that I have been fighting with my guides and with myself. Any of you ever have those battles? Your Patrons, Guides, or inner voice want you to do something a certain way and you are like: “No. I don’t wanna…” Three things specifically that I have been resisting […]

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2014 is speeding along! It is already time to open the gates to yet another new Cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course: CYCLE 16 will begin on February 2nd – Candlemas or Imbolc The course consists of 52 lessons arriving by e-mail every Tuesday morning for a year. In addition to this there is a […]

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What we need

  I had a conversation earlier today that kind of riled me up. It started off as a conversation about the health and psychological benefits of meditation. The person I was speaking to voiced an objection to the way that meditation and “serious spiritual disciplines” are being spread to people that want them for less […]

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Financial Magic Testimonial

Just got a great testimonial from a student that I want to share. A lot of people have quoted me about Emergency Magic being bad magic, and taken it to mean that I don’t approve of it, nothing could be further from the truth. Emergencies happen and when they do some emergency money drawing mojo […]

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Don’t Work on Your Weaknesses, Play to Your Strengths.

Forget about Working on Your Weaknesses, Play to Your Strengths. This is a fairly common adage that pops up in of business books, productivity seminars, and even dating advice manuals. It’s also really good advice for the Sorcerer. Some of us have this fantasy of being the whole package: good at everything, bad at nothing. […]

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Planning and Shopping are not Doing

I see a lot of people are writing about how they are NOT doing New Years Resolutions this year. That’s ok. It is easy to get swept up in things and pledge to change a whole lot of things only to end up failing at them all.  Just being, and taking it easy are good […]

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Happy New Year

One last accomplishment for 2013: Yesterday more people signed up for the SSCourse than in any single day previously. Thank you all. The sale will remain until tomorrow night, but the Hekate Helios Rite is now locked

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