11 years ago I gave Gregory Peters a really hard time online about his meld of Buddhism and Thelema. Much to his credit, when he passed through New York he invited me out for drinks so we could talk like gentlemen. I was impressed with whatI saw, and while not a convert to the OSV, I understood […]
Continue readingThe facebook group “Crying of Calls 49” is now accepting new members again for a working that begins on Oct 21st. Enrollment will close on the 21st and won’t open again until the next working. For those that do not know what I am talking about “The Crying of Calls 49” group is based around […]
Continue readingI was going to post this last night, but I was really tired. A few people have written me about St Cyprian since my post yesterday. Here is a good rundown of some useful links on him: First, my own article on the Saint from 2006 which serves as a decent introduction and some links […]
Continue readingAllow me to be a bit of a hipster here and say that I was into St Cyprian before he was cool 🙂 In fact in 2006 I wrote a prayer in his honor and posted it to my Live Journal. Seven years later and I still love St Cyprian. Yesterday I completed the Novena to […]
Continue readingI try not to hit people over the head with marketing blitz’s, and so I was not going to post anymore testimonials about my course. This morning however Andrew M sent me an audio review of the course that blew me away and kind of brought a tear to my eye. Thank you Andrew for […]
Continue readingI was sitting down a few days ago to write a post about why I think the Strategic Sorcery Course is good, but I decided that it would be much better to let the students that have taken the course speak for it. I asked them all for a short sentence answering the question “Why […]
Continue readingCold and crisp air outside? Pumpkin in just about every damn thing you eat? Two rabbits running in a ditch? Must be the Season of the Witch… Fall has always been my season. It REEKS of magic. The veil really does seem thin as we get closer to Hallowmass and the days of the dead. […]
Continue readingI made a series of very short videos about doing readings with normal playing cards, which is my go-to system these days. This is the first in a series of six videos. Like my facebook page to see them all. By the end of watching the video you will not only have the basics of […]
Continue readingFirst he shone a light into the dark reaches of Palo. Next he opened the gates to the red realms of Exu and Pomba Gira in his works on Quimbanda. This weekend I got the pleasure of reading yet another of Nicholaj Frisvolds masterwork expositions on a magical tradition that has, till now, remained largely […]
Continue readingAaron Leitch posted a great piece today on the realities of being an author in the internet era. Apparently someone went so far as to accuse him of hate speech and post his address online. Thankfully that has never happened to me. I have had a similar experience a few years ago though. Someone who […]
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