
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

FINANCIAL HANDS – The Black Series

I have once again created a set of financial hands for sale. These are special conjure bags that are in the grip of gator claws. I have been offering these once a year or so for several years, and they have helped a lot of people draw money, obtain employment, get promoted, start businesses and […]

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An Enchantress spills her secrets

There is no more quintessential power of a witch than that of enchantment, fascination, and glamour. In this book, Deb presents clearly and frankly what it takes to be genuinely spellbinding. While rooted in very old traditions her advice is immanently practical and usable by anyone today. By seamlessly blending spellcraft with the equally ancient […]

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I got this e-mail the other day: “I have been hearing about your course for over a year now but have avoided it because I was turned off by your use of the word Sorcery.  To me this word brings to mind “spell kits” and hokey oils to win the lottery, not the royal road […]

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Saturnus: Don’t Fear the Reaper

Saturn is a heavy force, both literally and figuratively. Its color is black, its metal is lead, it is all about restriction and death and pain right? Well, a little. But as the Dread Pirate Roberts said “life is pain highness, anyone that says differently is selling something”. In the last few months I have run […]

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My wife’s blog

If you didn’t know already, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She wrote a beautiful and brave piece on her perspective as a survivor yesterday on Facebook. Today she took that piece and started a Blog. I am sure that the more people follow her, the more she will write. I am asking you […]

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There are only six days left to sign up for the Strategic Sorcery / Occult of Personality Deal. Just as a reminder, here is the deal: SUBSCRIBE TO OCCULT OF PERSONALITY FOR THREE MONTHS AND I WILL LOWER THE COST OF THE  COURSE TO COVER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.  STEP 1:  Go HERE and join Occult of Personality for […]

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What the Great Work is.

          “You’ve heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap? There’s an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind.” “Why are you doing this?”  “To determine if […]

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A Six-Figure Field Report and a Saint I have never met before.

I got a field report from a student last week that I just have to share. Three points make it special: 1. The interrelation of disciplines in magic: She attributes her work with meditation and energy work as amplifying her ability to use prayer based magic successfully. I completely agree.  2. Modification of results: She received a […]

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More Formspring questions

I noticed that you were very critical of RO’s “We are all living gods” posts, but then went silent when he declaired himself to have completed the great work. Can you comment further? Has he gone crazy, or is he on to something? Apart from online, I actually talk with RO on the phone pretty […]

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State vs Stage

State vs Stage on the path*. This topic has come up in a lot of private conversations lately so I thought I might write about it here. It is especially important when people are claiming to have crossed the abyss, attained enlightenment, completed the great work, found their will, Rigpa, non dual awareness, the grades […]

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