
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"


I am happy to once again be hosting the Juno Global Prosperity Rote on May 1st. Why May Day? Because I asked a Peacock. I’m not even kidding about that. In April 2016  I saw this peacock walking around. So since the Peacock is sacred to Juno I asked if I should hold the Juno […]

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That Tony Robbins Video

Tony Robbins is a giant, not just in physical stature but in impact. As such you can find a lot of people he has helped and a lot of people that are critical of him. In most cases they are both correct. This week a video surfaced of him dismissing the #MeToo movement as a […]

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Chaonimism and Mysticism

After my Chaonimism post I got asked about mysticism. “If you are a Chaonomist how can you also be a mystic? Neither Chaos Magic nor Animism suggest transcendence. Neither relies on Neoplatonist style emanations or hierarchy. Both Chaos Magic and Animism seem to be grounded in here and now, not ‘higher’ worlds.” It’s true that […]

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I recorded an interview for Jim Harold’s Paranormal Podcast this morning and was asked about my view of spirits and religion etc. I somehow managed to coin a new term off the cuff: Chaonimism.  CHAONIMISM: noun: A an approach that combines the wild freedom, focus on results, and non-hierarchical view of reality inherent in Chaos Magic with […]

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Recognizing Easter Through April Fools

This year Easter falls on April Fools day. We could make a joke of this and talk about those who have been fooled into believing terrible things in Christs name, I choose instead to contemplate a different mystery of the Eastertide: recognizing the divine right before our eyes. Mary Magdeline, the last person to stay […]

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Six Ways – AIdan Watchers New Book

You guys already know Aidan Watcher the skilled talismanic jewler. You may even know Aidan the Z-Cluster founding, Psychic TV loving, chaos magician. Get ready to know Aidan Watcher the AUTHOR. The subtitle of Six Ways is: Approaches & Entries For Practical Magic. This is about as perfect a description as you can get. It is […]

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International Women’s Day

I would like to wish everyone a happy and powerful International Women’s day. As I look back on the past year I am gobsmacked at the changes that have come to society in such a short amount of time. It is as if the release of Wonder Women as a movie unlocked the inner superhero […]

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Review: The Book of the Magi

Pretty soon occultists all accross the western world will be heading into their (or their parents) garages and attics and tearing open sealed boxes of Christmas decorations, frantically searching for a Nativity scene from which they can nab the statues of the Three Wise Men. Why? Because the moment you finish reading “A Book Of […]

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Elements of Spellcrafting Editorial Reviews

What do Judika Illes, Jake Stratton Kent, Phil Hine, Devin Hunter, Deborah Castellano, Patrick Dunn and Ivo Dominguez have in common? They all had kind things to say about Elements of Spellcrafting, which is out TODAY!!! Elements of Spellcrafting is no-nonsense guide to practical sorcery, blending tradition and innovation without extraneous blather or hyperbole. With […]

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