
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Money and Magi

Over the weekend, Aaron Leitch posted the following nugget for folks to digest: “Telling a magician they are “fake” because they don’t have money is like telling a doctor they are “fake” because they caught a cold. In other words, you absolutely don’t get how either magick OR money works.” – Aaron Leitch I felt […]

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The Trumpeting.

Keep Your Head Straight. As you can see from my photos yesterday I was in Disney for Election Night and the nights immediately after. At first this was frustrating. I wanted to be simultaneously watching news and online.The next day however, as I began to see reactions and stories roll accross my phone, I was […]

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Deep Training in a Secret System of Hekatean Sorcery In my first book, Protection and Reversal Magic, I revealed some of the secrets that Hekate, goddess of Sorcery, had revealed to me since our first contact in 2000. That was only a small glimpse into the Arcana that she has been laying out to me […]

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Slippery Elm, Adders Tongue, and Pepper

I keep my politics out of my course and course forums as completely as I can. I rarely engage in them on the blog here, but this is one of those times…. I engage in political magic all the time, but its always targeted and done with links. Rituals to “make candidate X win” are not very […]

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I Want You For The Strategic Sorcery Course

Only a few more days until the Global Hekate Rite begins. Over 1400 people have taken the course and while I have no way of knowing for sure how many will participate (its not compulsory) it is well into the hundreds. JOIN IN THE CHANT Hundreds of people joining their voices together and connecting to […]

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Explaining Magic to Family, Friends, and Co-Workers

I don’t know about you but I have a lot of family and friends that do not practice magic. Generally speaking we get along great because I follow a few simple rules. CONSIDER STAYING IN THE CLOSET Do not confuse someone being put-off, worried, antagonistic, or incredulous towards Sorcery with being intolerant towards your religion. Very […]

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Black Gator Hand Talismans

Someone recently noticed that I have not offered any talismans for sale on my blog for over a year now. Most of them get bought up by folks in my course, who get first shot at them. This time though, I made a BUNCH. These bags are  special conjure bags that are in the grip of gator […]

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Strategic Sorcery Students Speak.

There are just 12 days left until the Hekate Global Rite, one of the best times to start the Strategic Sorcery Course. I like to post some testimonials and field reports from students at these times but because of the nature of the Occult, most people cannot put their names to them. I usually don’t even […]

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Better Wrong than Vague

I have a saying when it comes to divination: “Don’t be afraid of being wrong, be afraid of being Vague”. In other words when you are reading, it is better to commit to an interpretation and be clear than it is to leave room for interpretation by being vague. Real Data can be taken by […]

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